Global Warming Proof : It Was Hot In Massachusetts On May 26

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Global Warming Proof : It Was Hot In Massachusetts On May 26

  1. Erik says:

    Do not try to torture the data — that’s unscientific. Instead, only try to realize the truth: there is no catastrophic man-made global warming

  2. NoMoreGore says:

    See, this is what happens. You let your CO2 run amok, and now we’ve got two dead hairless polar bears at Walden Pond.

  3. BioBob says:

    Say what you have to say, not what you ought.
    Any truth is better than make-believe.
    Thoreau, Walden

  4. Dave N says:

    High 90’s might have been a record for Concord, but it didn’t beat Massachusetts record May high of 97°F in 1936. Massachusetts highs haven’t been beaten since 1982, well before Hansen started his lunacy in 1988.

    Global warning continuing? Hardly.

  5. NS says:

    “High 90?s might have been a record for Concord, but it didn’t beat Massachusetts record May high of 97°F in 1936.”

    When they say “ever” they mean “ever on satellite record” which means since 1979.
    I used to think it was lazy journalism but having seen many such references I beleive it may be *team* orders.

  6. R. de Haan says:

    NOAA, 1998 temperature 1.3 degrees warmer than 2010. U.S. cooling at a 0.94 degree per century rate.

  7. Any coverage for record breaking cold over the entire state of Florida?

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