Global Warming To Destroy Life On Earth

Good news, we don’t have to worry about Sarah Palin destroying the planet. CO2 will do it first.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Global Warming To Destroy Life On Earth

  1. BioBob says:

    Gambia ?

    can I just stipulate or something ?


  2. Erik says:

    “Jeopardy”? aint that a tv show? (I dont own a telly)

  3. Mike Mangan says:

    Speaking of Sarah Palin, it’s amazing how many members of the Reality-based Community want to see her dead, dead, dead!

    Thanks to people like Paul Krugman and Chris Matthews, Sarah can wake up every morning now and wonder when she will feel the bite of an assassin’s bullet.

  4. DEEBEE says:

    That’s the self correcting nature of Global Warming

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