Global Warming Causes Incoherent Non-Sequitur Rambling By Guardian Journalist

Guardian has determined that the Arizona shooter was an anti-abortion climate skeptic.

Why can’t you skeptics just roll over and let a bunch of drugged out, insane Bolsheviks run your lives?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Global Warming Causes Incoherent Non-Sequitur Rambling By Guardian Journalist

  1. Why do these Guardian chaps spend so much time analyzing America? Nothing going over there worth their time? You can trust we don’t pay as much attention to the UK here in America.

  2. But the example of global warming, where arguments rage over datasets, reveals the terrifying atmosphere….

    Can these people be any more cretinous? ‘Climate nazis’—simmer down bud.

  3. Paul in Sweden says:

    “Even the debate on climate change, where the key issues are frequently highly scientific or economic, has attracted frequent death threats to researchers and election TV ads in which a prospective [Left-Wing Democrat] Senator shoots the cap-and-trade bill with his rifle.”

    Had the senate candidate been a Conservative or Republican and not a leftist, I am certain the Guardian activist would have made that point clear in his screed.

    • BioBob says:

      Sorry to burst your bubble but while Manchin IS a democrat, he is not left wing by any stretch. I would call him more of a dixiecrat – look it up.

      More of a centrist than anything, really.

  4. omnologos says:

    Yes, the climate change debate lacks in punches, but as Guardian readers will be well aware of, compensates by blowing up children.

  5. Justa Joe says:

    Climategate: emails reveling in the deaths of skeptics, threats of physical attacks on skeptics

    PSA’s; blowing up chidren, children with nooses around their necks, polar bears raining down on cities, 911 style attacks, little punks threatening adults

    climate scientists like Tim Ball having their lives and livelihoods threatened, demands for Nuremburg like trials for “deniers”, Climate skeptics having their automobiles sabotaged, eco terrorist attacks on Hummer dealerships, etc, etc, etc…

    So I appears that the CAGW/eco-terrorist crowd are clearly a menace to our civil society.

  6. oeman50 says:

    Wow! I did not know Manchin ran those ads in California, he must have had a lot more campaign money than I was aware of. I did not see that ad run here in neighboring Virginia and had to seek it out on the internet. Who knew he needed California votes so much?

    BTW, Manchin may be a Democrat, but when it comes to coal he is a West-by-God-Virginian. I have heard him speak in support of coal in person, with no press filter.

  7. PhilJourdan says:

    The ends justify the means – to the left. In this latest incident, it is not important to logically connect Loughner to their pet peeves – it is only necessary that they are connected at the end of the rambling.

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