$10.6 Million Per Day Keeps The Scam Alive

The government steals your children’s future at a rate of $10.6 million per day, to keep the dream of a catastrophic future alive. Apparently the White House and John Holdren think it is important to tell children that they have no future.


All part of that “hope and change” theme.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to $10.6 Million Per Day Keeps The Scam Alive

  1. Russ says:

    Apparently the White House and John Holdren think it is important to tell children that they have no future.
    It’s probably right about the no future thing, only it will be no economic future it they keep going the way they are in my opinion.

  2. latitude says:

    What kind of idiots would base a science on record low CO2 levels….

    ….and what kind of morons would believe it

  3. suyts says:

    And that’s just one govt. How much for all the other govt’s? How much do the NGO’s commit? What of the states? Universities’ individual contributions?

  4. All part of that “hope and change” theme.


  5. Steve Koch says:

    And that $4B/year is just the amount spent on research and does not include subsidies for stuff like green power, ethanol, etc. Ethanol subsidies/trade constraints alone are costing $6B/year, 50% more than the global warming research. The ethanol subsidy is particularly bad because it raises the cost of food for poor people.

    $4B here, $6B there, pretty soon you’re talking about real money.

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