“carbon emissions may have now peaked”

Atmospheric CO2 is growing at a record rate, Asia is building nearly 1,000 new coal fired power plants, and Michael Mann says “carbon emissions may have now peaked”

Global Monitoring Laboratory – Carbon Cycle Greenhouse Gases

Tracker Map – Global Energy Monitor

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to “carbon emissions may have now peaked”

  1. arn says:

    Mann – tree ring fortune teller,storm expert,nobel prize imposter and now peak co2 prophet.
    Quiet a multitalented genius – the Da Vinci of Malthusian Lysenkoism.
    And as usual we can expect the opposite of what he predicts.

    And it’s not only China which is increasing its coal plant capacities.
    India wants to double this years number of new coal power plants in 2025 and hasn’t even really started its way to become china 2.0 economically = waaay more coal power plants to come in the next decades.

    There is not a single relevant indicator that co2 output has peaked or is about to peak anytime soon
    and it is quiet crazy and very climate science to assume it may happen in 2024 when
    the curve didn’t even flatten during the global lockdowns of 2020/2021 nor the massive sanctions on russian gas exports and the sabotage of north stream during the following years.

    And if then co2 output still peaks in 2024
    then we can start to exclude man made co2 as main driver of atmospheric co2 increase.

    And isn’t it quiet a bit strange that the same guy who thinks that the year we finally succeeded to cap the co2 output is also the year he predicted a record number of storms?

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