Homophobic Greenhouse Gases

UCLA experts have determined that carbon dioxide is targeting homosexuals.

Same-sex couples more vulnerable to the negative effects of climate change – Williams Institute

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Homophobic Greenhouse Gases

  1. Richard E Fritz says:

    WILL this madness ever END

  2. arn says:

    The moment you realise that Institutions are just as ‘stupid’ as Ai’s.

    Gays earn on average 25%+ more than straight people.
    At least that’s the standard in Germany since the 90ies.
    (Therefore that’s the time since discrimination was no longer a relevant thing – until the invasion and the enrichment started).

    Gays couples have less children and are better educated.
    As as double income household with no kids by default
    they have significantly more money to
    protect themselves from nonexisting threats
    and to live in areas with great infrastructures and have way better access to ressources.

    Therefore this article is a lie.

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