World Class Doublespeak

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to World Class Doublespeak

  1. Mike Davis says:

    How many people are pulling this puppets strings!
    Is he really that stupid? Or does he think the general public is that stupid! Every move to this point has been to create more regulations! Now he claims to be wanting to reduce regulations.
    Every claim since campaign was about open and transparent science based on best scientific practices when in practices they followed the path of Pathological science. I think the entire group is just to f’n stupid to know the difference.
    He is a product of liberal culture and a member of the same cult as the Tucson shooter. They do not know right from wrong!

  2. Charles Higley says:

    The unbelievable hubris of the EPA to blindly take the IPCC AR-5 as gospel and go for one of the biggest power-grabs in US history.

    This is more of an economy wrecker than the Healthcare Bill, which in itself is a wrecker and a huge step in converting the US into a nanny state.

    It begs imagination that our leader would talk about a government-wide review to eliminate job crushing regulations and then turn around and support the worst of them all. He lies 24/7 now.

  3. Sundance says:

    The Obama rope-a-dope indicates that campaign mode is upon us. His 2012 campaign began with the hiring of Bill Daley (Chicago, Illinois) and the Tucson speech. So what is Illinois largest foreign imports? #1 = Oil and #2 = NG.

    You can’t manufacture things with unreliable energy and it is clear by actions rather than words that Daley/Illinois aren’t betting on solar and wind.

    Doublespeak and corruption are the hallmarks of Illinois Dem politicians. So while Obama is yanking the chains of West Coast bottled water drinkers he will be buttering the bread of the Midwest energy infrastructure expansion with Canada.

    • Philip Finck says:

      6.5 billion oil
      5 billion natural gas

      I can just see the administration turning the tap off at the border and pulling down the swith to let the green energy flow.

    • PhilJourdan says:

      I use to be gob smacked at how people could be taken in with the overt duplicitous rantings of politicians. After almost 60 years, it no longer surprises me. That does not make it any less saddening that there are so many stupid people, but now I expect it.

  4. Charles Higley says:

    I guess it is now up to Congress to reign in the EPA.

    Agencies can write their own regulations, as “law” never created by Congress, and allowed to use them, but only at the will of Congress. If Congress realizes that an agency-created regulation goes to far or such, they can kill it outright on the basis that it was never passed by Congress.

    The EPA lives at the whim of Congress, in effect.

  5. Myron Mesecke says:

    “I was for government regulations before I was against government regulations.”

  6. Jim says:

    Obummer is out of his depth, no real world business experience, just mild town hall political experience. China knows it too and is capitalizing on the absurd weakness.

    The road to recovery is cheap reliable energy, driving real business and real jobs, not fanciful proclamations from left wing green religious groups, touting for taxpayer dollars, as their definition of business survival.

    The green religion that is destroying the US is a far bigger threat than any rogue nation can pose. It is time for the US to react to this falsely certified scientific ideology that desires to send the US back to living in the stone age.

  7. suyts says:

    Well, one way to stop the cost of compliance to job killing regulations is to kill the industry itself. Coal mining regs too costly? No coal mining industry, no difficulty with compliance. See? Fixed!

  8. Philip Finck says:

    Ahhhhhh………….. you can see the new mantra of Global Climate Disruption already being used in White House press releases, i.e. ‘climate destabilizing greenhouse gas (GHG)’. I guess since climate is always changing any gaseous emission can be proven to be a climate destabilizing greenhouse gas (GHG).

    One will presumethat the EPA will soon move to levy a tax on breathing. I can see it now ………… everyone in the US with rebreathers……… and a duty on Canadian goods crossing the boarder since we didn’t stop breathing.

  9. Paul H says:

    When the Chinese President arrives, he might be a bit concerned that Obarmy is flushing dollars down the drain like there is no tomorrow.

    Half of them belong to China.

  10. latitude says:

    Nothing to see here…
    …he made this same stupid speech a while back and then did every thing he could think of to kill the economy and jobs

  11. Andy Weiss says:

    I used to like him, now I can’t stand him. Hopefully this is just lip service to his various constituencies.

  12. President Obama fits the worst image of politician that people have more than any President ever.

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