Hansen : European Cold Caused By Open Water In Hudson Bay

Words of wisdom from a climate genius.


The loss of sea ice may also be driving Arctic air into the middle latitudes. Winter weather patterns are notoriously chaotic, and the GISS analysis finds seven of the last 10 European winters warmer than the average from 1951 to 1980. The unusual cold in the past two winters has caused scientists to begin to speculate about a potential connection to sea ice changes.

“One possibility is that the heat source due to open water in Hudson Bay affected Arctic wind patterns, with a seesaw pattern that has Arctic air downstream pouring into Europe,” Hansen said.





About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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17 Responses to Hansen : European Cold Caused By Open Water In Hudson Bay

  1. Cthulhu says:

    Not even your readers are going to fall for this one steven.

    It’s common knowledge that Hudson bay had remarkably low ice cover while Europe went through the cold patch Hansen is referring too.


    It’s also quite obvious that you’ve posted a map of ice cover for a single day, 21st January, and a forecast of temperature in Europe that hasn’t even happened yet…

    And meanwhile Central England Temperature is running at +0.9C anomaly for January so far.

    • And now Hudson Bay is covered and Europe is still cold. I normally assume that readers are capable of logic. Was Hudson Bay ice-free last January or February during the European cold snap?

      • Cthulhu says:

        your “logical” argument amounts to

        A therefore B means B therefore A

      • Oh I see. So sometimes European cold is caused by too much ice, and other times it is caused by a lack of ice.

      • Cthulhu says:

        You telling me you expect European weather to only have one cause and are just complaining that Hansen has got that cause wrong?

        Wait maybe the -actual- cause is CO2. Or the Sun. Or cosmic rays.

      • Mike Davis says:

        It is caused by the ice dujour. Ice controls the atmosphere. It needs to get hotter in the Arctic so there will be more ice in Europe this week But next week it needs to be colder in the Arctic to have more ice in Europe. It is the See Saw effect. When the See Saw quits moving the global oceans are going to boil away or freeze over depending on which way the ice is causing the wind to blow that day.
        Any day now the lack of ice will cause the sun to stop coming up over the horizon.

      • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

        Cthulhu says:
        January 23, 2011 at 4:50 pm

        You telling me you expect European weather to only have one cause

        If your gents claiming the cold in Europe was caused by ice loss in the Arctic, if they really are that smart to know that exact cause, then why didn’t they know that could happen ahead of time? They never once predicted that global warming could cause that. So maybe they aren’t as smart as you global warming folk say they are.

        Let’s face it, they’re making up things as they go along.

    • Paul H says:

      “And meanwhile Central England Temperature is running at +0.9C anomaly for January so far.”

      Perhaps this is due to low ice cover in Hudson Bay. Or perhaps it is due to the fact that ice has now returned to Hudson Bay. Or perhaps it is due to England winning the Ashes which also happened at the same time.

      Warmists do themselves no favours when they try to defend every thing Hansen says.

    • sunsettommy says:

      What about the PREVIOUS winter.When the Hudson Bay was well covered much earlier than this winter?

      How did Europe get so cold then?

    • hyperzombie says:

      I believe that you are both wrong, you may have not been aware of the new “fridge door theory”. In December the folks in Nunuvut left the fridge door open till January, now the folks in the northwest territories are looking in the “Fridge”.. Canadians,,, just like teenagers,,,What can you do?

  2. latitude says:

    What a relief…
    ..knowing that climate scientists can explain everything

    Actually it is a relief knowing that climate scientsts are always open to new information…
    …every time the climate/weather changes, they change their explanation

  3. Dr. Killpatient says:

    “One possibility is that the heat source due to open water in Hudson Bay affected Arctic wind patterns, with a seesaw pattern that has Arctic air downstream pouring into Europe,” Hansen said.

    …that’s the wonderful thing about possibilities. There’s just so many of them. It must be difficult for Hansen to choose just one from them all.

  4. Jeff K says:

    Let’s nuke all of the Arctic, right now, and the resulting open water will stop global warming in it’s tracks and keep us cold, since, according to “climate scientists” cold-good, warmth-bad.

  5. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Hansen makes this reason after the fact then calls it science.

    “An expert is someone who will know tomorrow why the things he predicted yesterday didn’t happen today.”

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