41% Of Brits Believe In AGW – 83% Of Brits believe In AGW


83% of Brits view global warming as a current or imminent threat



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to 41% Of Brits Believe In AGW – 83% Of Brits believe In AGW

  1. Frederick Davies says:

    Some people just cannot make their minds up! Either that or Guardian/ICM only polled in Islington 😉

  2. It’s the Guardian. The newspaper and its employees are completely untrustworthy and make up things to fit their narrative.

    Whether it is their anti American campaign, their coddling of anyone who hates Israel, their distortions about climate change or their deceitful spin over the WikiLeaks release, it is a propagandist hive of spiteful leftists.

    Even if they claimed day would follow night, I would still feel the need to check a more reliable source, just to be sure.

  3. DEEBEE says:

    Numbers just lie there, only humans with numbers lie

  4. suyts says:

    lol, maybe its 41% of the 83%.

  5. Mike Davis says:

    A lot of people answer what they think you want to hear so you need to have your Psycic do a proper adjustment for assumed false answers! If the numbers do not fit the theory the numbers need to be manipulated!

  6. Edward says:

    The ar**wipe pap, that considers itself to be a serious organ, has just revealed it’s gormless, clueless ineptitude in it’s fullest glory – only 83 percent…….MY God…it’s only 83!! – Even gormless socialist prats at the Nu lav rag, now are dcubting!!

    Glory be.

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