Hottest Year Ever : 2010 Was The Seventh Coolest Year On Record In Florida

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to Hottest Year Ever : 2010 Was The Seventh Coolest Year On Record In Florida

  1. Latitude says:

    I remember the 70’s and 80’s winters very well..
    …and do not wish to repeat that

    1977 it snowed in Miami, and we lost all of our coconut trees…………

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Where did this global warming rumor start? There appears to be very little happening in the real world to validate the claim.

    • Dave N says:

      It’s mostly in the Arctic, where there is mostly no data.

    • truthsword says:

      Science works that way. People think that all of a sudden climate change corrupted science, but it has been corrupt from the first day a scientist was rewarded with a result. Once the result is more important than the method science is lost. I wouldn’t be surprised if they eliminate the scientific method from science project requirements in schools soon. The new science is pick a result and find some way to make it work, without showing how you made it work, and declaring that settled and robust. It’s a shame and any ‘scientist’ dabbling in that no matter the grant money is a pox on their discipline.

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