“If sea level rise continues at it present rate, 33 percent of coastal land and wetland habitats will be lost in the next 100 years”


OMG – Apparently 33% percent of the coast is less than eight inches above sea level.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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13 Responses to “If sea level rise continues at it present rate, 33 percent of coastal land and wetland habitats will be lost in the next 100 years”

  1. Dave N says:

    Isn’t it interesting how they come up with definitive figures such as “33 percent of coastal land”, and “in the next 100 years”, yet have to resort to “at the present rate” for something they don’t even have to estimate?

    I guess we all know why they don’t quote that figure; because they’re still trying to work out why the other figures don’t agree with it.

  2. Bob says:


    I don’t know what you are doing when you aren’t riding your bike in -10F weather (which is about normal for me so it isn’t really that cold) but keep it up!


    PS: I love winter. I was out snowshoeing yesterday. The snow was falling, The snow was five feet deep, avalanches were crashing in the distance. It was awesome.
    Still. Keep it up!

  3. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Steve Lachman must not know about ClimateGate.

  4. suyts says:

    Wow, that changed quick. Why, it seems like just last week they were telling us warming caused more precipitation, not less. But, we’re back to drought via wetdry.

  5. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Check this out, the computer models emit groundwater in the calculations


  6. Philip Finck says:

    There has been no acceleration in the rate of sea level rise in southern Nova Scotia in the last 80 years. As usual the guy is ill informed.

  7. MikeTheDenier says:

    IF snow continues at this pace, half the world will be (ooops, IS ) covered.


  8. Ralph says:

    No sea rising in Florida. Key West still survives. Move along, nothing to see here.

  9. Viv Evans says:

    “OMG – Apparently 33% percent of the coast is less than eight inches above sea level.”

    Aww – I know some places where the sea level rises by much more than that … twice every day, too!

  10. Mike Davis says:

    It is possible there will be no more “Glaciers” in Pennsylvania! I do not recall reding about glaciers there now. I wonder what version of SIM Planet he is getting his reality from. Especially if the thinks Boise is in the South West.

    • suyts says:

      lol, yeh, I caught that too, only he carefully crafted the sentence to say the “western half”, but then mentions Phoenix and Albuquerque and throws Boise in to make it sound “worse then we thought”. How and why these loons come to these conclusions is beyond me. They tell us, and rightly so, a warmer world will mean more precipitation. But they think the rain won’t fall in Boise? Or the Amazon? As to it not raining in a desert…….. OMG!!!! How freaking stupid are they?

  11. Justa Joe says:

    My friends in Manaus, Amazonas have been complaining that it is has been raining constantly. How does that square with Amazonian droughts?


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