EPA 1988 : Sea Level Could Rise Four Feet By 2025


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to EPA 1988 : Sea Level Could Rise Four Feet By 2025

  1. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Geothermal difficult

  2. baffled24 says:

    Headline; “EPA 1988 : Sea Level Could Rise Four Feet By 2025”
    Caveat on the EPA statement is “IF the current rate…”
    Time frame quoted; sometime between 2025 and 2050
    Possible level rise 1 to 4 feet
    The headline could also read “Sea level could rise one foot by 2050”
    The first headline assumes a 1000mm rise over 37 years or 28mm per yr
    The alternate headline 250mm over 62 years or 4mm per year
    Or any variation therein.

  3. Mike Davis says:

    The claim from the EPA is designed to Alarm while not knowing what they are talking about. EPA is still doing the same thing. Sort of like the IPCC that makes Rectal Pronouncements!

  4. Dave N says:

    I’ll bet the likes of the EPA, Hansen et al didn’t predict that these predictions will come back to haunt them.

  5. Willem de Lange says:

    It was thanks to Titus and co-workers that I first had to testify in court about sea level rise in New Zealand – particularly their report
    Hoffman, J.S., Keyes, D., and Titus, J.G., 1983, Projecting future sea level rise, United States Environmental Protection Agency.
    Predicted for 2000 – 48-171 mm
    Predicted for 2025 – 130-550 mm

    However, they changed their minds over time
    Hoffman, J.S., Wells, J.B., and Titus, J.G., 1986, Future Global Warming and Sea Level Rise, in Sigbiamarson, F., ed., Iceland Coastal and River Symposium: Reykjavik, National Energy Authority, p. 245-266.
    Predicted for 2000 – 35-55 mm
    Predicted for 2025 – 100-210 mm

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