Sea Ice Loss Causing Problems In Latvia

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Sea Ice Loss Causing Problems In Latvia

  1. AndyW says:

    “Furthermore, warmer temperatures and high winds in coming weeks are likely to create pack ice ”

    Warmer temps causing pack ice! By July they’ll just be using icebreakers to get anywhere.


  2. Jeff K says:

    We all need to get the word out to the drowning polar bears that the Baltic is the place to be.

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    Doesn’t seem to fit in with catastrophic global warming.

  4. R. de Haan says:

    Today it was on the news for the first time in Germany.
    Over 2/3 of the Baltic is frozen solid with some very thick patches where even the ice breakers take a left or right turn to avoid the thick ice. They currently have 17 ships stuck in the ice and it will take several day’s for the ice breakers to get them out.

    When they have high winds the ice could ‘crawl over a ship’ and sink it within an hour.

  5. R. de Haan says:

    There was this documentary about the Baltic ice breakers on the Discovery Channel.
    The kind of documentary where they put the captain of an ice breaker on front of a camera wining about climate change causing the ice to disappear making his ship and his profession obsolete. Right the profession of an ice breaker captain is dying.
    We won’t need them anymore in the near future.
    Just like snow ploughs in London.


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