Rapid Glacial Retreat In The Alps For Most Of The 19th Century

Always shocking to learn that climate is cyclical.

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h/t to glacierman

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to Rapid Glacial Retreat In The Alps For Most Of The 19th Century

  1. Mike Davis says:

    YEABUT! That was then and this is now! Then they used scientific principles to form their hypothesis today they use an agenda and use Pathological “Science” to support the CLB position. Call me old fashioned but I still think the earth revolves around the sun and natural climate cycles are still in control of the weather!

    • glacierman says:

      That was true before we finally figured out that cold was caused by extremely warm -30C air flowing out of the arctic causing the air to dry and snow more. Thank goodness ALGore and the team have figured all this out for us.

  2. Ivan says:

    ..and to think that they knew this as far back as 1850.

    Folks must have been a whole lot smarter back then…

    • suyts says:

      It is a societal genetic regression. As a society, things have gotten a lot easier for us. With all of the societal “safety nets”, there isn’t much to cull the herd. So, the dumb people, instead of doing the right thing and finding some ultimate act of stupidity to off themselves, thereby keeping a smarter gene pool, we made them live longer and allowed them to breed. Worse, we’ve actually encourage them to breed! So while the rest of us have to tolerate drowning warnings pasted on buckets, they’re getting paid to breed! Now we even have warning labels telling us not to put our babies in a dryer……http://themommarocks.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/baby-care.jpg?w=411&h=607 and warnings for other acts of stupidity, http://factfanatic.com/uploaded-files/babyindumpster.jpg

      Of course we all know these are ineffectual and serve only to raise the cost of living. If some pinhead was stupid enough to put a baby in a bin and shut the air tight lid, does anyone believe they’d read and understand the warning label?

      Outside of cell phones, we’ve very few culling mechanisms left!


      See! In days gone by that damned thing would have been 6-7 ft deep! But no, now all that happens is a good chuckle and threats of lawsuits!

      This is why global warming became an issue. Some illiterate mothers figured out the state would pay her more for being on her back than the average Shriner conventioneer. And as a bonus, if she could remember the names of all the guys she slept with, one by one they’d have to take a paternity test and if she got lucky, she could hit that poor slob up for 1/2 his paycheck for over 20 years! So, they bred like crazy and the only education these kids got was when mom left the bedroom door cracked open. Then, we came up with the brilliant idea that we should actually pay these products of illiteracy and immorality to go to college. Of course, they all graduated with honors because we had to lower the standards so far that one only had to demonstrate the ability to tie ones shoe to graduate…..honors went to the ones that wore Velcro that day. Today, we call those kids climatologists. We pay them big money to think about shit that don’t matter. This is why the word sophistry came back into use. It would have disappeared from the English language had it not been for these kids.

      We laugh, but deep down, we all know this is true.

  3. suyts says:

    Steve!!! Comment is in moderation!!!! Some may like this one.

  4. Alexej Buergin says:

    The glaciers have been retreating for 200 years, since the end of the little ice age. AGW has been with us for 50 years. Thus it cannot be the cause for the retreat.

    • glacierman says:

      AGW is the cause of everything that requires global control over energy and monetary systems so we can save the planet. Post-normal science has definitively shown that we need to do something about carbon pollution.

  5. Andy Weiss says:

    It never snows in New England anymore, only 6 to 7 feet worth this winter in Boston, Worcester and Hartford! And it still is only early March.

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