CO2 Levels Were Too Low In 1885 To Produce Extreme Heat

Gathered by reader Ivan.

…and in Australia (Jan 1885)
“Today has been the most oppressive of the season. The thermometer registered 140deg. in the sun and 101deg. in the shade”

..more in Australia (Jan 1885)
“An elderly person..dropped dead on Wednesday from the effects of the heat..”

..more in Australia (Feb 1885)
“Spontaneous Barn Burning.”

..and in America (July 1885)
“The intensity of the heat in New York .. For the 24 hours ending the 21st July 150 deaths from heat were reported.”

..and in Jerusalem (July 1885)

..and on the sub-continent (Aug 1885)
“The intense heat is proving fatal even to natives employed in the construction of the railway to Quetta.”
“a general advance is just now totally impossible, on account of the excessive heat.”

.. and in America (Aug 1885)
“It appears that on Aug. 24 intense heat was experienced, the hot wave extending over all the Eastern and South-eastern States.”

.. and in Rome (Sept 1885)
“September continued very hot until its close..”

..and in Australia.. again (Nov 1885)
“On the Darling the pastures are visibly withering, the heat being excessive.”

..again in Australia..again (Dec 1885)
“The heat today was intense, the thermometer in the shade at 1 o’clock registering 103deg”

..and in New Zealand (Dec 1885)
“THE summer sun shines out with unwonted warmth to-day..”


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to CO2 Levels Were Too Low In 1885 To Produce Extreme Heat

  1. Ivan says:

    1876 doesn’t seem to have been a whole lot better …

    Queensland, Jan 1876
    “With one exception, this is the greatest heat known and recorded here during 14 years of observations”

    New South Wales, Feb 1876
    “Extreme Heat. For several weeks past the atmospheric heat in this district has been exceedingly great, the thermometer register- ing 98° to 100° in the shade, and 140° and upwards in the sun.”

    South Australia, Feb 1876
    February 8. 110° IN THE SHADE.

    New York, Aug 1876
    “Intense heat has been experienced in New York, causing great mortality. Above 100 infants under one year have died daily during the past week.”

    ..oops…and Philadelphia too..
    “Twenty one persons are known to have died from the heat in Philadelphia.”

    ..oops..and most of Eastern USA
    “The past month has been most remarkable in this country for the extreme heat which has prevailed during the greater part of the time in all the states east of the Rocky Mountains.”

    ..oops…and most of the country
    ” The intense heat of the weather has been felt most severely all over the Union, and has filled the hospitals..”

    England, August 1876
    “The intense heat which has prevailed all over England for some days past culminated on August 15..”

    Spain, Aug 1876
    “Madrid, Aug 12. The heat is fearfully excessive-exceeds anything since 1800. The city is deserted. Forty field labourers died near Seville.”

    Queensland (again), Oct 1876
    “The oppressive heat which prevailed during the past week culminated in a terrific storm at dusk yesterday”

    New South Wales, Nov 1876
    “The premonitions of another drought are only too alarming. The heat oontinues to be excessive.”

    New South Wales, Dec 1876
    “The heat is intense. The thermometer registered 116* in the shade. The country is drying up. There is no grass on the frontage.”

    South Australia, Dec 1876
    “The neat of the weather is excessive. The thermometer at the Observatory reached 114 yesterday. On only three previous occasions has the heat been greater.”

    ..and Australia, Dec 1876
    A MOST remarkable and unusual wave of heat appears to have passed over the continent of Australia on the 15th and 16th of the present month.”

    How could any of this have been possible?

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Those headlines never happened. A right wing think tank made it all up! Another law of climate science.

    • glacierman says:

      Big Oil used their obscene profits to build a time machine to go back to the past and spread mis-information that could be used by bloggers in the 21st century.

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    They also used their time machine to go back to the time of the medieval and Roman warmings, so they could prove those never happened.

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