Washington Post “there are sound physical science reasons to think that heavy snowfall may become more common in a warming world”


No there aren’t. That is complete nonsense. A warmer world would have less snowfall.

Why do they get heavier snow falls in the mountains? Because it is colder in the mountains.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Washington Post “there are sound physical science reasons to think that heavy snowfall may become more common in a warming world”

  1. suyts says:

    It is the same sound reasons that state we’ll have more drought!!!

    Given that the water budget is fixed, if we have more precipitation in places, it stands to reason we’ll have less in others. See? Happily, heat generated cold will ensure more snow, but only in places where it isn’t suppose to snow. We call that climate change. Paradoxically, we’ll soon have less fresh water because we’ll have more precipitation. I hope this is clear to you guys. I don’t understand why you can’t see the clarity given.

  2. intrepid_wanders says:

    Well of course Steven, all that snow is from the the poles 😉 Hot Continents, Cold Poles and vice-versa.

    Actually, Inconvenient Skeptic has a good “DATA” series of the NH extent…

    I especially enjoy the step function of 2006-2010 (Normally low Sea Ice, based on 3 sigma 1979-2006). It make me wonder if the meme of hot means cold (even though “their theory” is a recent development) may have an once of truth to it. Maybe, all (or most)the Arctic ice was melted during the LIA (Hot poles, cold NH)? Makes me wonder. Too bad scientist these days are like contractors these days…

  3. AndyW says:

    Depends how much warmer, if it was slightly warmer then you could have more snowfall per year, a lot warmer and less.

    Mountains are not a good example of cold causing snowfall. For example take the Himalayas, highest snow area is somewhere about April, above 6000m I think snowfall is most in the summer month because the Monsoon when it is warmer than in the winter period.


  4. Al Gored says:

    “Why do they get heavier snow falls in the mountains? Because it is colder in the mountains.”

    No Comrade. Because it is higher in the mountains. And closer to the sun, and therefore warmer. Icarus established this long ago so the debate is over. The sun doesn’t matter, of course, except for this.

    Lots of the little people, and all plants, are confused by this warmcold effect, so it is crucial to only absorb the correct information from reputable sources.

    The President recommends the Huffington Post so I guess the Washington Post is close enough.

  5. Layne Blanchard says:

    sheeesh. I’m trying to keep my warmcold and my hotblizzards separate. Now they’re all mixed up.

    I thought the story was a warm spot in the troposphere, and this was to effect some high elev areas like the rockies, causing a dearth of snow because of the warm bubble. And the pine beetles would be wearing speedos and club hopping late into the night.

    The thing to do here is push these dingalings to the logical conclusion of their fantasy: If a warmer world causes more snow, as it gets warmer and warmer, does it snow more and more? So, in the end, a blazing hot earth is covered in ice? No?… Yes? When exactly does it go the other way again and make snow a forgotten memory? When the PDO turns positive, perhaps?

    So the heat is a snow machine now? I thought the heat was melting the ice? It is? Is it magic heat, melting ice first, then making snow/ice from the ice it melted?

  6. Skiers should buy tanks of co2 and release them so they can go skiing more.

  7. Scott says:

    Go here:


    Basically Tamino says AGW will cause more snow. Wait, he says it will cause less snow. Wait, he says it will do both…both are not inconsistent with AGW. Basically, it’s a very weak post. He should stick with statistics.

    What I would like to see is a set prediction…something like snow will increase for 10 years, snow will decrease after that and reach current levels again in 17 years and then continue to drop. Not that would be a testable hypothesis/theory. Not inconsistent works for a lot of things. It works for natural cycles. It works for Satan controlling the weather/climate. It works for David Copperfield playing a massive illusion on everyone. Basically, it works for everything that’s not specific.

    By the way, it’s not just the cold in the mountains that causes the snow, though the cold is why it snows there and doesn’t rain. 😉


  8. truthsword says:

    This is why weather guys don’t jump on the bandwagon much, they learned from the old textbooks. The ones that say cold=snow and warm+cold=bad weather. Heh.

  9. Latitude says:

    The whole problem is measuring snow by depth….

    In a warmer world, you would have less snow, because it would be wetter….

    …in a colder world, you have more snow, because it’s powder

    It’s the same amount of water falling, one inch of rain can make 6 inches of wet snow, or 2 feet of powder…………

    But they completely miss the fact that if it wasn’t cold, it would be raining not snowing

  10. Justa Joe says:

    Wouldn’t all the supposed evaporation of water from the seas mitigate against the rising seas, which they also claim?

    AGW is the world’s greatest de-salinization program… Bravo!

  11. Dr. Killpatient says:

    It reminds me of a “de-motivational” poster:


    You’re doing it wrong

  12. Andy Weiss says:

    The Washington Post is a worthy instrument to wipe your rear end with and that is about it.

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