Lodgepole Pines Are Getting Healthier While Going Extinct



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Lodgepole Pines Are Getting Healthier While Going Extinct

  1. Baa Humbug says:

    trees and insects have lived side by side for millenia.
    The claim that an extra 0.7 or 1DegC of Ts could make such a drastic difference is just pure alarmism and an outright lie.

    Riddle me this dickheads, most insects have life spans LESS THAN ONE YEAR. Temperatures vary by more than a degree from month to month and year to year, so why haven’t entire forests been adversly effected in the long term to date?

  2. Al Gored says:

    Simple story. No matter how warm winters got, these mt pine beetle epidemics could never have been so severe or widespread without a vast area of prime mt pine beetle habitat – and that vast habitat area was caused by Smokey the Bear stomping out all the forest fires.

    This AGW poster child is truly bogus. All the AGW fire stories are similar. No fuel, no fires, no matter how dry it is. If you don’t get this, throw a match on some hot dry concrete.

  3. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Bankrupt EU “Expert” tells Australia hey everything will be ok

    How’s Spain 20.4% unemployed (higher for young people), How’s Ireland, Greece, Italy going.

  4. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    More seamounts found, wow so many unexplored, CO2 how much do they produce?

  5. Climate that has changed since the 1980’s?

    So these same changes have never happened before? What an ignorant man. What did Jesus say, “Leave them alone! They are blind leaders. When one blind person leads another, both will fall into the same pit.” Does it apply to global warming?

  6. OT

    Closing of AOL/Huffington Post deal causes AOL stock to fall “to its lowest price ever”.

    link to story


    • papertiger says:

      Not possible. Because AOL’s stock couldn’t have fallen any lower than the day they canceled my subscription after I said the word “penis” in a chatroom.

      You know they had the nerve to have their East Indian service rep call me for an interrogation over the incident.

  7. OT

    February 2011 deficit larger than deficit for entire year 2007:


    The crash inevitable in America will be worse than 1929.

  8. papertiger says:

    Actually in this context, pines being so plentiful that they choke out the sky for cash crop like Doug fir, makes Lodgepole a weed.

    Pine beetles become a beneficial insect, opening the canopy for meadowlarks and pikachu.

  9. Jeff K says:

    I admit it I still read National Geographic. They are constantly trying to pull the same sh!t-showing pictures of thousands upon thousands of, say, penguins and at the same time saying that, “a warming world could put these animals at risk,” while admitting that the new beach (that was ice 20 years ago) is now breeding habitat.

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