1912 New York Times : Melt The Arctic In Order To Tip The Earth On Its Axis, And Improve The Climate


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to 1912 New York Times : Melt The Arctic In Order To Tip The Earth On Its Axis, And Improve The Climate

  1. Ivan says:

    This will give Steven Chu something to do when he is finished painting all the roofs and roads white.

  2. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Sounds like a Hanson idea

    The Soviets wanted to use nuclear weapons to move mountains around and did a few times, but this one is a classic

  3. Russ says:

    HAHAHA, I wonder how that worked out?

  4. Russ says:

    I guess it wasn’t the effect you were looking for from me. But hey I’ve just moved here this year as you can see by tracing my IP address on your web site, Steve! HAHAHA!

  5. Russ says:

    I guess everyone here doesn’t know that, but they do now!

  6. papertiger says:

    if the North Pole were liquid the water would pool closer to the equator due to the centripetal force of the planet. The added weight at the Earths bulging waistline I guess could change the angle of deflection of the pole to something less then it’s current ~23 degrees, but this wouldn’t bring warmth to the uninhabitable frozen tundra.
    Rather it would cause a softening of the seasonal extremes, moving the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn closer to the Equator by X amount.

    That guy Riker was fucked in the head.

  7. Blade says:

    “1912 New York Times : Melt The Arctic In Order To Tip The Earth On Its Axis, And Improve The Climate”

    If he proposed this today, he would be sent to Riker’s Island.

    • Blade says:

      For our international friends, Riker’s Island in NYC has a prison (think Devil’s Island or Alcatraz).

      And from the article …

      Carroll Livingston Riker, a New York engineer, proposes … TO MOVE THE EARTH AND MELT THE POLE

      That’s why if he proposed this today, he would be sent to Riker’s Island. Mayor Doomberg will have none of this Skepticism.

  8. Dale Ferguson says:

    You all appear to have too narrow a view of Riker. See “The Whole Story of Climate,” by E. Kirsten Peters, Page 196, to learn what all he did. Dr. Peters is a geologist who feels that geologists have been left out of the climate debate. Fascinating book, good writing style!

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