1955 : Sears Sold Automatic Shotguns


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to 1955 : Sears Sold Automatic Shotguns

  1. Russ says:

    Wow, Really?

  2. Red Jeff says:

    That gun would rip my shoulder off. From the actual 1901 catalogue… Winchester Model 1897 (damn it was modern!) 12 gauge $25. An Ithaca No 1 1/2 ran you $45. Must have been a hell of a gun! A Smith and Wesson pistol was about $17 !

  3. Dave N says:

    I wonder what US President Abreact Abeam would think of such a thing..


  4. Jack Savage says:

    It is worse than that! They are still selling hammers,knives and axes by mail order in the UK!
    How much was $99 in 1955 worth in today’s currency?

    • Russ says:

      Yeah I know that, it was really an expensive gun in it’s time. But how many auto shotguns were available in that time? I bet not too many, But I am supprised Sears was selling them!

  5. Ivan says:

    Hmmm … 12 gauge. The natural enemy of the alarmist.

  6. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    Great summary of whats going on with the nuke


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