Guardian Supports Regime Change In Libya

When Bush was President, they said it was illegal.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Guardian Supports Regime Change In Libya

  1. Blade says:

    When Bush was President, they said it was illegal.

    Yup. Likewise when Pat Robertson said take out Chavez in Venezuela they said he was crazy. Many of us wanted the Ayatollah taken out in the early 80’s too. JFK (incompetent boob) half-heartedly tried with Castro. LBJ got one of a few things right by getting rid of Che Guevara.

    Truth is (and the few good liberals that still exist may take offense, but too bad) there is rarely a dictator that the liberal leftist socialist progressive does not either fully support or tacitly approve of. This is ‘the enemy of my enemy’ at work, and their true enemy is Freedom, Liberty, Self-Determination, Private Property and America itself. Dictators are of no consequence in the big picture. Small potatos.

    This became obvious recently to the lesser-informed when dumbo Hussein tried every trick to get his and Chavez’s puppet installed in Honduras (the good guys won here, viva Honduras!).

    This became obvious to intelligent persons much earlier when FDR failed to eliminate Stalin during WWII (so simple, just disappear his plane as he flew home from one of their conferences) when the remaining Russian military that survived Stalin’s purges would have been grateful. My guess is this never crossed Roosevelt’s mind, and if it had it never would have floated at the communist infested State department. Instead of making a real post-war difference, Stalin seamlessly assimilated much of what Hitler had already conquered, just as the progressives had hoped.

    Ahhh, woulda shoulda coulda. Yes we can.

  2. AndyW says:

    I thought it was against your laws now to do assassination of polictical leaders?

    I’m not sure how the USA doing that to Gadaffi would help. At the moment it is quite clear who is in the right and who is in the wrong. If the USA jumps in then it will be painted in a completely different light by the Dictator in charge over there so muddying the waters. Even the rebels don’t want US involvement directly.

    It’s best this is lead by the Arab league and the UN.


    • Yea, Saddam only gassed a few hundred thousand of his own people.

      • AndyW says:

        Two wrongs don’t make a right. You have to show these people by example, black and white.


      • Mike Davis says:

        Sorry Andy:
        Peaceful resolutions have been tried for many years in that region. Force begets force but leads to more respect than attempts at peaceful resolution that is taken as a display of weakness.

    • Mike Davis says:

      There is no other country with the needed equipment to enforce a “NO- FLY” Zone! Personally I think the US should pull out of the region except for maintaining a shield for Israel. Even that is borderline sometimes but the groups that want to bury the Jewish presence there make our involvement necessary.
      Maybe France and England should send their planes in to enforce the No-Fly restriction as the planes they would be shooting down probably came from them any how! and the air defense location that need to be destroyed were probably built by European Nations in Libya!

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