California Politicians Seek To Have Their Constitutional Rights Restored

But just for them. Not for the peasantry.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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9 Responses to California Politicians Seek To Have Their Constitutional Rights Restored

  1. Blade says:

    Well that makes it official. The leftists are out of the closet in trying to re-create the very system we fought a revolution to destroy: a system of classes where the ruling class is armed and the working class is disarmed.

    Keep it up. No really, keep it up.

  2. PhilJourdan says:

    Considering most of them are loonier than Saturday Morning Cartoon, that is the only way they can carry them. They would fail all background checks if subjected to them like everyone else.

    The ruling class speaks again – and of course the rest of us lose.

  3. HopeyChangey says:

    If you think your past is too sordid for a run at congress, think again:

  4. John Silver says:

    How can that protect them from rifle fire?

  5. Sundance says:

    I’m sure the LA Times will no doubt be writing about the paranoia of white Democrats clinging to their guns and religion and being NRA zombies.

  6. AndyW says:

    Wouldn’t it be safer to wear bullet proof vests than give them guns? Seems like that would save more politicans lifes. You can’t exactly kill yourself accidentally with a bullet proof vest, I can imagine a politician could with a gun though 😉


    • Blade says:

      You’re not in the States are you? (just wondering). No doubt many politicians wear vests already, note however that the citizens often times cannot because in many places items like bullet-proof vests are just as illegal as firearms. In those places the do-gooders also limit knife size, ban switchblades, nunchakus, night vision equipment, electric stun guns, even mace.

      Their goal is for an inferior armed population compared to the ruling class, a goal they have already achieved in many places. They do not care about home invasions, or if women get raped and cannot defend themselves. They are mere sacrifices on the alter of liberalism. Many of them used to say: only the police and military should have guns. These days they are a little more shy about it.

  7. Michael J says:

    The question of whether it is or is not a good idea for Americans to carry weapons is above my pay grade. I can see merit in both sides of the argument and have no desire to tell people what they should do (on this topic, anyway).

    However the reading of the second amendment as a general treatise on gun ownership, rather than the need for militia, seem to me to stretch the language somewhat.
    I know this is an emotive subject, and I don’t want to start a war, but could somebody please explain their reading of the second amendment to this poor ignorant Aussie?

    Not judging, just trying to understand.

    • PhilJourdan says:

      No, just the punctuation. Read it again, and keep in mind the punctuation. The Militia part is a clause, the right comes after the clause and is (supposed to be) inviolate outside of an additional amendment.

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