Even The BBC Gets It

Nothing is ever clear with Obama, that is why he babbles to himself the same things over and over again.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Even The BBC Gets It

  1. suyts says:

    I could only read some of the comments on the article. Some were ok, but most were vapid responses. Apparently, many don’t understand that entities such as the U.N. has no nations’ interest in mind………….. well, except for nations such as N. Korea.

    No nation’s actions should be tied to an arbitrary consensus of other nations. That many so willingly gave up their sovereignty to another entity of arbitrary consensus doesn’t mean it benefits anyone and nor should they wish for the rest of the world to do such madness. Globalist totalitarians are the antithesis to freedom. (How does one connotate spit on the web?)

  2. Latitude says:

    The teleprompter was still watching the basketball game…………

    • suyts says:

      I listened to part of it ………… he tried to come off as a bad ass………but only after France, Britain, and the Arabs gave him permission.

      This really is Jimmy Carter part deux.

  3. papertiger says:

    The only honorable move Obi could make right now, is leave it up to the French. Don’t go it alone or with others. It’s not in the United States best interest to protect European oil supplies. Or more accurately, we already did our part to protect European oil supplies in Kuwait and Iraq.

    We wouldn’t be doing this if it were Russians overthrowing Putin.

  4. I didn’t know America had the money to spare to do this.

    • MikeTheDenier says:

      With the Fed running the printing presses full steam we have plenty of money and create more out of thin air 🙂

  5. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:


    Nobel peace prize winner training Saudi Pilots SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH $60billlion deal shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

  6. Scarlet Pumpernickel says:

    President Obama is planning for the U.S. portion of the military action in Libya to only last for a few days, according to a senior administration official.

    JOKE OF THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Bruce says:

    This is just ACE again. His problem is he doesn’t know from which direction to protect his a** from. He dares not ignore Libya in case he’ll lose re-election because of a catastrophe he didn’t prevent, and dares not intervene in case he loses re-election for invading a peaceful and enlightened state which would otherwise be an upstanding and completely blameless member of UN Human Rights Council.

    On the other hand its a no win, since last week the Arab Council was squarking that the US should enforce a no fly zone and save the Arab citizens from being killed by the evil dictator, this week they are screaming that the evil US is killing Arab citizens in their unjust enforcement of the no fly zone. I think Mr Obama should start taking Wall Street bankers out to dinner and lining up that new board post for 2013.

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