Feds Set Aside Land In California To Protect Birds From Non-Existent Sea Level Rise


Sea level has never been recorded by humans as rising in California, but why would actual facts enter the discussion?

This is the view near Richard Somerville’s office, showing how The Cove at La Jolla has not changed for as long as cameras have existed. The recent photo was taken close to high tide. At low tide the beach is larger, as seen below in this photo sent over by reader slp.

[Correction : slp says the picture below was taken at high tide]

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Feds Set Aside Land In California To Protect Birds From Non-Existent Sea Level Rise

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    The last I heard, birds can fly. They should thus not drown in any imaginary sea level rise.

  2. Nobama says:

    If and when a sea ever rises dramatically, it will take whatever it wants. And it will make a beach where one previously did not exist. So the birds could just move with it. Problem solved. And we might get rid of San Francisco to boot.

  3. Dave N says:

    WTF? Even if it were going to rise 3 or 4 feet, do they expect the rise to happen overnight? Apparently they think birds aren’t able to find new nesting areas as sea level changes. Duh.

    • Mike Davis says:

      There is a flock of Gulls that have already claimed Brother Al’s Beach Front Condo as their new nesting site in SF and a group of Pelicans that are set to occupy his Villa in Santa Barbara. The plan to allow the Sea Lions to take up residence on the first floor.

  4. Justa Joe says:

    I smell a land grab.

    • Latitude says:

      and you are 100% correct

      • Al Gored says:

        Make that 1000%. Every time you see the words ‘critical habitat,’ think federal land control. Ostensibly for the benefit of some species, real or invented. Steven lives in CO I think… home of the invented Gunnison Sage Grouse which has proved very handy for land control.

        The pseudoscience behind this, called Conservation Biology, is worse than IPCC-GISS Global Climatology. I know that’s hard to imagine but it is.

        In this case looks like a lot of people are going to lose their beach. Of course, the ‘researchers’ won’t. They’ll have a private one.

        P.S. The Nature Conservancy is a real estate empire masquerading as planet savers. And carbon offset sellers if that ever goes through. Their former chairman was Hank Paulson, Goldman Sachs hack of ‘give me 800 million or the world economy will collapse!!!’ fame.

      • Al Gored says:

        Make that 800 BILLION, officially, and that is just the tip of that moneyberg.

  5. “Warming prompts feds to double bird habitat”

    I think they look for excuses to control more land. Global warming has made a good excuse for many agendas.

  6. Bruce says:

    Best thing they could do for the birds is turn off their useless bird shredders windmills.

  7. Alan says:

    “Piping Plovers” are currently being used as Land Grab Poster-Children up and down the North/Mid-Atlantic Seaboard, particularly in both Cape Cod, MA and Cape Hatteras, NC.

    If this type of insanity ever reaches the East Coast, we’ll have Critical Habitat reaching miles inland, as one must go that far to find any higher ground.

    If any of you have the time, please watch this video of how Hatteras Islanders and visitors alike are suffering under the guise of “Species Protections” for our particular plover:


    We should all fear this latest type of societal control system, as it is a much more dangerous replacement for the AGW power grabs, and the strictures of the ESA have only expanded over the last few decades. (Species are continually added to the list, but rarely de-listed. It took over ten years to get the American Bald Eagle de-listed after meeting all of its recovery criteria.)

    BEWARE SPECIES PROTECTIONS! It will make the AGW battle look like childs play.

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