Southwest England To Be Wiped Out In 100 Years

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Southwest England To Be Wiped Out In 100 Years

  1. Blade says:

    Oh great, young skulls full of mush. And who’s that, the teacher enabler standing behind them. Do they even have a PTA over there?

    This sad collection of pod people would make Darwin himself rethink his theories and retire to the Galápagos Islands never to return.

  2. Luke of the D says:

    I study geology at university… and I always made it a point to avoid in every way the environmental people, not because they smelled or anything, but because they were so very strange. I’ve heard the word hippie before, but at least they wanted to achieve something (piece, love, happiness, that sort of thing). Envirnomentalists just seem to want to destroy our current economy. Ah well…

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