Educated Sheeple Think The World Is Coming To An End

ScienceDaily (Mar. 21, 2011) — The more highly educated are more likely to display their environmental credentials through what they buy rather than with actions such as turning off lights, according to findings from Understanding Society, the world’s largest household panel survey, funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and managed by the Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) at the University of Essex.

The first set of findings from the survey are based on data from more than 22,000 individuals and show that people with degrees are 25% more likely, on average, than people with no education qualifications to adopt pro-environmental behaviours, at least in terms of paying more for environmentally-friendly products. However, they are less likely to turn off the TV overnight or to use public transport.

Overall the survey, which will follow 40,000 UK households over many years, found that 60% of people believed that a major environmental disaster is pending if things continue on their current course, and just over half the respondents (53%) say they ‘do quite a few things that are environmentally friendly’ or are ‘environmentally friendly in most things or everything’ they do.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Educated Sheeple Think The World Is Coming To An End

  1. Robert Austin says:

    Not surprising. Sixty plus years of life experience has taught me that there is no inverse correlation between education and stupidity.

  2. Blade says:

    “Educated Sheeple Think The World Is Coming To An End”

    bahah ah ah ahah ah ah ah” … says Algore

    bahaaha ahah ahah ah ahah ah” … says Hansen

    bah ahah ah ah ahah aah ah ahah” … says Gavin

    bah ahah ahahahah ahah ah” … says Romm

    bah ahah ah ah ahah ahah aha ah” … says Princess Charles

    bah ah ahah ah ahahaha ah” … says John Holdren

    bahah ahahah ahah ah ah aha” … says Michio Kuku

    bahahah ah ahah ahah ahah” … says Ehrlich

    ba ahah ahah ahah ah ahaha” … says Mann

    bah ahahah ahah ah ahah ahah” … says Jones

    baha ahah ahahah ahah ahahah” … says Connolley

    bah ah ah ahah ahahaha ah” … says Suzuki

    bahaah ahah ah ahah ah ah ahah” … says Tamnio

    ba ahaah ah ahahah ah ah ahaha” … says Rabbit droppings

    baah aahah ahahah ahah ahah” … says Pachauri

    bah ahaha ah ahah ah ah ah ah” … says the Media

    Looking over his large herd of sheep: “woo hooo, I think I’m in Love” … says Bin Laden 😉

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