Kofi Annan : “global warming is causing 300,000 deaths annually”

All this political posturing — plus a multimillion-dollar propaganda effort funded by the fossil- fuel industry — has led to confusion in the minds of many people. A Gallup poll this month finds that 51 percent of Americans “worry a great deal or fair amount” about climate change, down from 66 percent in 2008.

This is the worst kind of ostrich-like behavior. A 2009 study from a think tank headed by former U.N. Secretary-General KofiAnnan revealed that global warming is causing 300,000 deaths annually and affecting 300 million people. By 2030, the report warns, half a million individuals could die every year as a result of climate change.


Kofi blames CO2 for his own actions.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Kofi Annan : “global warming is causing 300,000 deaths annually”

  1. M White says:

    “What is climate change?”


    “Met Office climate change guide”

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    The leading cause of death is life.

  3. suyts says:

    800,000 people……. oh well, live and learn eh Kofi? Well, not every one lives and learns. But, then, 800,000 souls is only one example of the total ineptitude of the U.N. and its murderous nature.

  4. Funny, I don’t see him specifying that the deaths are likely from bio fuel programs.

  5. Blade says:

    The leading cause of un-natural death is Communism, has been for 90 years. For the centennial celebration they should light candles for each person they sacrificed on the altar of Marxism (er, skip that, the CO2 output would by itself cause a doubling). The Spanish Flu reportedly killed 30+ Million people, which is probably the largest natural killer we have seen, but this total has been at least tripled by the manmade tragedy called Communism, and the Academics still embrace it. Ugggh!

    This nitwit under-achiever Kofi Annan should be well aware of the damage done by Communism on his continent (he is), so the only thing to conclude is that he is a useful idiot running interference for the real problem of Totalitarian genocide by distracting with a pseudo-scientific hoax.

  6. Sundance says:

    The no food for oil program to enrich UN elites was Kofi’s finest moment. Why did my parents raise me to be honest when I could have become a rich liar in the UN?

  7. MrCannucistan says:

    Aren’t these the same people that say the planet is over populated? A death rate of an additional 300,000 per year should be a good start to them then. Why can’t they just quit their bitching and take that one as a win?


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