Why The US Is Doomed To Continue Falling Behind Countries With A Legitimate School System


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Why The US Is Doomed To Continue Falling Behind Countries With A Legitimate School System

  1. PJB says:

    The future of green….be very, very, afraid.

  2. Ivan says:

    Joseph Goebbels would weep if he could see this. “If only I could have achieved brainwashing on a scale like this…”

    Mind you – it looks like only a light rinse would have been needed in this case presented here. On occasions, I can help but think: “Why bother?”. People like this deserve to have the economy wrecked and grow up fully immersed in their “green future” – which would consist of unending serfdom, poverty, starvation and misery – not unlike North Korea, for example.
    The only way to appreciate something’s value is to distance yourself from it for a while.”

  3. Myron Mesecke says:

    I stopped at 1:28 with the Don’t Burn Fossil Fuels. My daughter is in college going for a Master’s in Environmental Engineering and she has no problem driving her Jeep Liberty around. She had a 4.0 in high school and graduated 5th in her class of over 500 students. She got her IB diploma in high school and has a 4.0 in college. And I’m not talking easy courses. First semester was classes like Chemistry, Physics and Calculus 2. This semester is things like Chemistry 2 and Statics.

    With her high school class the IB program graduated 89% of the kids with an IB diploma. That is 23% higher than than the average in Texas and 10% higher than the world average.
    So there are some legitimate school systems in the United States.

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