Obama Triples Deficit – Says Republican Plan Is Wrong



Here is what he promised in 2008 :


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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27 Responses to Obama Triples Deficit – Says Republican Plan Is Wrong

  1. P.J. says:

    I’m not even American, and I am sick of hearing Obama blaming Bush-era tax cuts for America’s financial woes. Obama had full control of the House and Senate for two years … he has nobody to blame but himself.

  2. hyperzombie says:

    I think it’s time for a bigger money hole.

  3. Traitor in Chief says:

    It seems to me the house could specify which things it will fund, and with how much, cutting off anything it disagrees with. Many financially savvy institutions have suggested this. Shut’r down.

  4. PJB says:

    From my perspective (as a Canadian) it appears that party line makes little if any difference. Your government (as is ours to a lesser but still egregious extent) is riddled with influence peddlers, the worst being the banking and financial institutions. Mostly due to the heinous, overt and blatant way that they terrorized your economy and way of life, as well as taking the American people’s money under false pretenses. They caused the damage, mostly to themselves, and they conned you into believing that without saving them from themselves, you would be doomed.
    How bad would the recession of 2008++ have been? Well, you might have been better placed to endure it. The same can’t be said for your pitiable economic state at present.
    Obama was, and continues to be, the deception of the century. You seriously need to consider revolting against your financial overlords, and quick.

  5. Andy Weiss says:

    I’m afraid that neither party has the will to create the pain (raising taxes, cutting entitlement programs) that will occur if we try to rein in the debt monster.

  6. suyts says:

    I want to know how anyone believes the deficits are sustainable. And I’m tired of the obvious answers to this quagmire being ignored.

    We need to quit funding these idiotic liberal 3rd level entitlements. PBR and PBS are independent entities. Quit pretending Planned Parenthood is an extension of the government. It isn’t. (And they don’t do mammograms.) We need to quit paying for the lawyers of people like the Sierra club. And quit funding anti-Christian rhetoric and calling it art. That’s the first sensible step. Trim the fat with what 90% of the Americans can agree is senseless.

    The second step. Quit trying to find energy where it is difficult and expensive. It doesn’t work. Start drilling our own oil. Start placing hydro-electric generators where there are dams. Start mining coal like a demon possessed. Whirlygigs, pinwheels, sun catchers, and buying other peoples oil doesn’t work well.

    The third step, and this is important if this requires a governmental impetus,(and it does because of the governmental barriers in place) then mandate the workforce and materials used in the various projects are American.

    Trim, increase cheap and reliable energy and power. And put American workers back to work. This would balance the budget and engage an economic boom like the country hasn’t seen in quite some time.

    • Latitude says:

      I really wrote that you know……..

      ..we really were separated at birth

      • suyts says:

        Heh, yes, at times, it seems to be so.

        What gets me is that it seems to be such a complex thought that no political or economical mouth piece is advocating such basic steps. Some will advocate one or two of these things but I’ve yet to see a platform for all three. But most of the average Americans see that these 3 basic steps are our path to prosperity.

      • Latitude says:

        Right now, after thinking about it, I’m leaning towards the only candidate that knows how many zeros are in a billion, and has to still balance that check book…………………….

        and has most of his money tied up in real estate

      • suyts says:

        Yeh, me too, but I’m not too excited about it. But if any of the conservatives would step up and say these things, its a landslide win. I don’t understand their reluctance to state the obvious. Obama is so vulnerable on these issues, it would be a cake walk. One of the few statements from the last elections that resonated with the people was “drill here, drill now.” Where’s the advocacy for that?

        My perspective is that this nation is desperate for a leader. We don’t want a consensus builder. We don’t want a compromiser. We need someone to stand up. And while Trump has no problems standing up and speaking his mind, I’d like to see someone without as much baggage. I think he’s making a huge mistake by pursuing the birther issue. But, at least he’s out there getting his name on the minds of the voters.

      • Latitude says:

        I agree 100% again…..

        The birther thing, I don’t get at all. If you’ve got it, show it…
        …end of story

        The other choices are still trying to reach across…..to a bunch of people that told them “we won, you lost” and “we have to hurry up and pass it so you can read what’s in it”

        We don’t realize, If McCain had won, we would be in much worse shape right now.

      • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

        Latitude says:
        April 16, 2011 at 5:27 pm

        Right now, after thinking about it, I’m leaning towards the only candidate that knows how many zeros are in a billion, and has to still balance that check book…………………….

        and has most of his money tied up in real estate

        I don’t think Trump can win. But I will watch if he’s in a debate. Would be fun.

    • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:


      Your ideas sound good.But we don’t exactly have Benjamin Franklin in Washington. So it’s only going to get worse. The thing I’m hoping for is that in about 8 years there may be enough Tea Party members in Washington to start heading things in a better direction. But by then America is going to be more like Mexico than like the America we grew up with. I don’t think America will ever be the land of opportunity again. I think you’d have to move to Asia, Brazil, or New Zealand to find the type of vision for the future that America used to have.

  7. Andy Weiss says:


    I agree with everything you say. But even if we had the guts to do everything you propose, it would be a drop in the bucket. I don’t think cutting those programs alone can save us. And while your energy ideas make sense, it will take many years to noticeably mitigate the situation, especially with the pointy-heads fighting you every step of the way.

    We were headed off a cliff in 2008 and the only thing that mitigated the situation was to throw huge amount of money around. In the long run, that will probably make things worse, but it least is slowed the bleeding for a little while.

  8. Latitude says:

    AAM, if it was between Obummer and Trump right now, Trump would eat him for lunch.

    Elections are no longer won by who votes, but by who sits out.

    Conservatives were not energized for McCain, actually made most blow lunch.
    The McCain non-election had one of the lowest republican turnouts………

    Kids, blacks, liberals were mobilized by our first black president. He ran as a mixed breed, and immediately because our first black president. His base is very trendy and his newness wore off, he’s no longer “in”…….

    Obama has lost all of his steam, and conservatives are pissed off……….

    As long as republicans don’t pick another McCain, there will be a large turnout of republican voters…..and a small turnout of democrat voters.

  9. Interesting. Someone (who was it? Cant recall) said Mr Socrates and Mr Obama were very similar. Love, from Portugal.

  10. Latitude says:

    Well, liberals feel threatened by Trump ….

    One paper had him on the cover in clown makeup…

    I flipped on CNN and they have a contest “name Trump’s ex wives”

    I’ll name his ex wives right after they name Monica Lewinsky’s ex boyfriends….
    …and John Edward’s illegitimate children

    and put Obama on the cover in white face………………

  11. MarkD says:

    “Quit trying to find energy where it is difficult and expensive. It doesn’t work. Start drilling our own oil. Start placing hydro-electric generators where there are dams. Start mining coal like a demon possessed. Whirlygigs, pinwheels, sun catchers, and buying other peoples oil doesn’t work well.”

    Absolutely brilliant. Imagine what a spur to economy if our gasoline was $2 per gallon. If our home heating and cooling were 1/2 as much of our budget.

    Eliminate the EPA.

    Eliminate the DOE.

    Eliminate the IRS.

    Budget problem solved. (unemployment might go up for a while)

    Trouble is we are not in control.

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