In some countries, viewing “An Inconvenient Truth” has actually become a required part of the science curriculum, and with good justification, we think.
How well does the film handle the science? Admirably, I thought. It is remarkably up to date, with reference to some of the very latest research.
Here is a partial list of Gore’s spectacular set of errors.
I guess there’s plenty of other educational material that contains blatant lies and exaggerations, so why not? After all, Al says it’s ok to lie in order to make a point..
I heard it’s going to be playing at the midnight movies….
…along with Jason goes to hell
Look up the list of “Science Advisers” for Brother Al’s film to get an understanding of the position taken by RC!
Science Fiction has some basis in science. AIT is pure Fantasy!
Ouch. I need my stomach tablets.
This (movie) pablum has absolutely nothing to do with science. It has been known to produce nightmares and give young people suicidal thoughts. Great job, Al!
I agree, Gore’s movie should be mandatory, because Science students need to know how to detect the difference between sound scientific practice and sorcery.
The Communist Manifesto and Mien Conf (yes, yes, terrible spelling) will be on our children’s curriculums next, won’t they? Perhaps they already are… I heard something of Mr. B. Husain O. attended some communist youth rally recently, didn’t he?