No Trilobite Left Behind

Charles Darwin taught us that survival belongs to those individuals who pretend that they can stabilize their environment in a state which they imagine it used to be like. Another competitive advantage is harboring a belief system that nothing used to change prior to 30 years ago.

The key to evolution and natural selection is to make sure that nothing ever changes, and that all individuals compete cooperate at the lowest common denominator.

Another of Darwin’s theories states that natural selection favours the most neurotic individuals in a society. Being deathly afraid of change guarantees survival.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to No Trilobite Left Behind

  1. Mike Davis says:

    That is not the way history reports evolution.
    There is and never has been Harmony in nature. It is all about adapting to extreme conditions or going extinct!

  2. Al Gored says:

    Was that Chuck Darwin from Fresno?

    It is a revolutionary theory. And beyond debate. But the problem is that the consensus of living species does not agree with it, so the more enlightened ones keep getting unfairly and incorrectly driven to extinction.

    That’s why we must always listen to consensus. And redistribute survival.

    Evolutionary justice for all!

    • suyts says:

      Well, let’s not pretend we’re not headed that way. We have Handicapper Generals already. Even at the earliest ages, we teach our children not to compete. We encourage the underachievers to breed, but when a certain level of success is met, the incentives are greatly reduced. Our president, owes a large part of his being elected by engaging in class warfare upon our successful people. We are teaching our children to hate the independent free thinking ways. Indeed, now even science is run by consensus and hence mediocrity. Our quest for equality has defined us down to the least common denominator and we are indeed led by the most mediocre group of people ever gathered together for the purpose of leading anything. Well, it could be worse, we could be part of the EU……..

  3. Andy Weiss says:

    What about the theory of non-evolution, or retrogression, as the dumbest and least fit are the ones by far reproducing the most.

  4. Deadman says:

    ===not for publication===

    “Behind deathly afraid of change guarantees survival.”

    Was that “behind” a spellchecker’s version of “being”?

  5. Blade says:

    Charles Darwin taught us that survival belongs to those individuals who pretend that they can stabilize their environment in a state which they imagine it used to be like. Another competitive advantage is harboring a belief system that nothing used to change prior to 30 years ago.

    The key to evolution and natural selection is to make sure that nothing ever changes, and that all individuals compete cooperate at the lowest common denominator.

    Another of Darwin’s theories states that natural selection favours the most neurotic individuals in a society. Being deathly afraid of change guarantees survival.

    Brilliant I say.

    Guaranteed to fly in one ear and out the other of any post-modern dimwitted liberal socialist.

  6. John Silver says:

    All species are created from radiation and disharmony.
    Try to tell that to the gaia worshipers.

  7. Jim Cole says:

    Al Gored sez “Evolutionary justice for all!”

    I love that

    After all, competition/survival/evolution are sooooooo UNFAIR!

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