Climate Scientists : Arctic To Be Ice Free Next Year

“Tremendous cold” to melt the Arctic by 2012.


Global warming is a direct threat to biodiversity in all corners of the world, but nowhere are its effects more visible than in the Arctic, where the impacts of the climate crisis are hitting earlier and with greater intensity than anywhere else. Winter temperatures have increased by almost 10 degrees Fahrenheit since 1949. And by the end of this century, the Far North’s annual average temperatures are expected to rise 9 degrees or more over land and up to 13 degrees over water.

We can see the frightening effects of the Arctic’s rising temperatures in the quick and devastating melt of the region’s sea ice. In 2008, Arctic summer sea ice reached the second-lowest extent recorded since the dawn of the satellite era — and winter sea ice reached its lowest recorded extent in 2011. Now climate scientists say the Arctic could be completely ice free in the summer by 2012.

With its unforgiving winds, tremendous cold, winters that never see the sun, and summers that never see the end of it, the Arctic seems like a hard place to eke out a living. Yet it’s home to highly specialized species that have evolved to make the most of their harsh environment, including its vast expanses of sea ice. Without enough sea ice, the entire Arctic ecosystem will unravel and its species will die.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Climate Scientists : Arctic To Be Ice Free Next Year

  1. Andy Weiss says:

    Prototypical alarmist drivel with no basis in fact.

  2. Dave N says:

    The usual vague nonsense*, but I figured this article must have been written years ago.. then I spotted the reference to 2011 as being current.

    *Which climate scientists? I sincerely doubt any that use that label would be looney enough to say the Arctic will be ice-free by next summer.

  3. Mike Davis says:

    Evidence shows that increased warming increases Biodiversity and the species in the Arctic region have lived through periods warmer that Chicken Little predicts!

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