Time Reports Accelerating Meltdown On The Greenland Ice Sheet

The Arctic Meltdown Accelerates
Posted by BRYAN WALSH Thursday, May 5, 2011 at 11:02 am

One of the most pressing predictions that must be made in climate science concerns the rate of polar melting. As they warm—and the Arctic and Antarctic regions have heated up faster than most of the rest of the planet—the glaciers of Greenland and Antarctica are melting and flowing into the ocean, which then raises sea levels.


I would have titled this “Time Magazine IQ meltdown accelerates”


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Time Reports Accelerating Meltdown On The Greenland Ice Sheet

  1. Latitude says:

    Scientific Illustrated has a good article this month.
    Saying the weaker sun, changes the jet stream, which always makes Europe and the US colder, and makes Greenland warmer.
    Didn’t blame it on global warming for a change.

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    No palm trees or bikini clad women in sight yet.

  3. Mike Davis says:

    It looks as it the ice has been groomed! Either for a runway of ice skating.

  4. pwl says:

    It’s like they never actually look at the current data before they prognosticate their co2 climate doomsday using digital entrails and crystal ball models.

  5. Russ says:

    HAHAHAHA that really brings a tear to my eye!

  6. JC Smith says:

    Somebody has to get on that “liberal media bias”. Here’s an article from Fox News about how the estimate of the rise in sea level has gone up to “3 to 5 feet” by 2100, from the estimate four years ago that the rise in sea level by year 2100 would only be “7 inches to 23 inches.”

    Clearly…..FOX is showing their “liberal bias”:) Either that, or they have started to report on facts for a change of pace.

    • Ahhh… the wookie defense. Try to distract with a pointless irrelevant comment. Who gives a flying F about Fox news and what does that have to do with the discussion?

      • JC Smith says:

        Ohhhh….Stevie, Stevie, Stevie. I’m sorry you missed the point of the post. I guess you didn’t notice that the article pointed out that the expected sea level rise has been “bumped” up by a few feet.

        I’m sorry you missed that part. It’s that “pesky truth” that just won’t seem to go away.

        Your favorite Wookie….

        JC Smith

      • JC Smith says:

        My bad. I must be doing a bad job of communicating:( When you posted “No doubt declining rates of rise are an indicator of a huge increase”, you may not understand that just the opposite is happening.

        In that same pesky article (and in my initial post) you should note that they bumped UP the expected level of ocean rise by 2100 from their initial estimate range of “between 7 to 23 inches”….. UP TO an increase of “35 to 63 inches”.

        You see, in the world of reality, when they raise the expected seal level rise, that is an INCREASE. It’s just another one of those pesky truths.

      • suyts says:

        Steve, I don’t think J.C. understands that the sea level isn’t rising any faster than it ever has nor does he understand that Greenland isn’t melting.

        I also think he has a difficulty understanding Fox’ role in supplying information about climate change.

  7. JC Smith says:


    Thank you for correcting the “error of my ways.” You see, the report from Fox News said the oceans were RISING and the Greenland ice sheet was melting…and since I know that FOX bases all their news on “cold, hard facts”…..I assumed they were telling me the truth in that the oceans were rising, and that Greenland was, in fact, melting. Wow….someone should tell Roger Ailes that they were mistaken in passing along that bad information. I’m glad you straightened me out on that one!

    And now that you have straightened me out, I can go back to all the scientist’s and all their fancy studies, and tell them just how wrong they are. Man, it really irritates me that all the scientists that are not paid by the oil and gas companies, come to the same wrong conclusion that the earth is warming up, and that the Arctic is warming up the most….and melting the fastest. Why do they all do that? Man that irritates me.

    Those darn scientists that met in Copenhagen last week and said that Greenland and the rest of the Arctic in melting at an increasing rate. And then FOX has the gall to go and spread that misinformation! I can’t believe that.

    Now…..I can go back to all of them and tell them that the glaciers aren’t melting, the Arctic is not melting, Greenland is not melting, and temperatures are not getting warmer because Steven Goddard and Suyts say so. That will show them:)

    Thank you for clearing this up for me. Now if we can just get FOX to retract that article that said Greenland was melting at a faster pace, all will be well in the world:)

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