UN : CO2 Continues To Target Poor Children

What an evil gas.

Rise in climate change disasters
By Emily Beament
Monday, 9 May 2011

Climate change is increasing the number of disasters which hit children in poor countries, campaigners have warned.

According to a study by Unicef, Plan International and Save the Children, there has been a steady increase in disasters linked to climate change over the past 10 to 20 years.

It warns that low-level frequent climatic disasters including floods and droughts hit children hard. The report looked at eight countries which regularly experience such events, and found a link between an increase in disasters and diarrhoea, low birth weight and malnutrition. In most of the countries children’s education suffered because of disaster damage and illness.


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to UN : CO2 Continues To Target Poor Children

  1. Mike Davis says:

    Children’s well being suffers the most due to corrupt officials that take their cut out of the funds provided to help the children.

    • Dave G says:

      Yup, the world has let these corrupt officials get away with this for years then have the balls to ask for donations to feed the starving kids!!

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    Children suffer most from psychotic, paranoid and suicidal thoughts needlessly put into their heads by climate scientists, who are out to make a buck by means of overdramatization and cheap sensationalism.

  3. bubbagyro says:

    Poor people are generally the victims of CO2. CO2 policies, that is, more precisely.

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