White House Caught Lying – Yet Again

They told us that they would have taken him alive, except that he fired at them from behind his wife – whom he used as a human shield. That was not true.

Then they told us that they would have taken him alive, except that he resisted. That also was not true.

Then they told us that he would had to have been naked, so that they knew he didn’t have  a suicide belt on. Turns out now that he was naked.

details about the photos that have not been made public yet — that bin Laden was in his underwear at the time of his death.


They also told us that it was too dark to see if he had a suicide vest on, right after they told us he looked scared and confused – just before they shot him in his head with explosive ammo. In other words, they could see the details of his facial expression, but couldn’t see that he was naked.

What did he know that made it so important to have him off the witness stand?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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16 Responses to White House Caught Lying – Yet Again

  1. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    Obama not keeping his word, more interested in campaign trail:

    Robert Gates: We Had Agreed We Wouldn’t Release Details About the Operation Against OBL But ‘That All Fell Apart’


  2. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    President Obama proposing he get more control over the internet, he deciding which companies meet his requirements:


  3. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

    President Obama may be suffering from amnesia, includes himself among the people that populated America, and suddenly acting like a Christian, quoting from the Bible, using it to promote his illegal immigration amnesty proposal, wanting to make illegal immigrants legal citizens thus dramatically increasing the number of people that would vote for him—because he knows he will need them to have a chance for reelection:

    “Obama on Immigration: We Need Not Have “Amnesia About How We Populated This Country” ”


  4. GregGS says:

    I just want to say that when you point any weapon at close range, it’s the individuals eye contact that you make first in order to judge their next move. Peripherally one twitch of a hand and blam! blam! Since they expected anything, including the whole building to possibly blow up, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot! They wanted to get their jabs in first. They weren’t judging quality of his haberdasher’s work.

    To have him on the stand would be a zoo, zanier then the OJ trial, all he would do is call 911 an inside job and rant about jihad and global warming and the media would slurp that up.

    • They have all kinds of very effective non-lethal weaponry.

      Had they not killed him, and not said anything to the press – they could have been interrogating him right now. That would have been too intelligent.

      • Daniel Packman says:

        Then let’s assume that he is indeed now being interrogated.

      • Amino Acids in Meteorites says:

        That can’t be possible Daniel. Al Qaeda confirmed he is dead. Though I wish your scenario was possible.

      • GregGS says:

        Why would our military go into any battle scenario with non-lethal weapons. That’s not a good idea, that’s why local police now have a gun, a stun gun, a billy-club, mace and are forced to make a a last second decision of what to grab and the legality of grabbing it. The battle field is a mess already with JAGs and the UN, and Brussels hot to run anyone through a court or international court. Our enemies have never passed judgment on their own, but laugh at us for this. Me thinks you’re buying into the “inside job” scenario to much. He was shot dead to show the world “You can run. But you can not hide.” Interrogation, a waste of time.

  5. O'sputternik says:

    There is NOT ONE THING the O’sputternik administration does that is truly “intelligent”.

    Politically conniving, absolutely. Truly thoughtful, never. The story from a supposed insider was that Obummer was playing golf, never engaged on the issue, refused to decide anything, until the plan was literally taken over and executed by Panetta, with maybe some cover from Hillary.

    Many reports supposedly from insiders, and you can hear it yourself from Dems and GOP members everywhere, that Barry is MIA when it comes time to make a decision.

    I think he was likely a passenger in this situation.

    In the aircraft business, you design in redundancy. Hydraulic systems are independent, so if you lose one, you have others, all with independent capability.

    Retired Seals who have commented, say they plan for EVERY contingency. Hmmmm.

    So, Today I read a report that the burned chopper was to have taken more captives from the compound. Instead, they had to leave them behind. In a truly well planned event, wouldn’t you have MANY spares?

    I think many things probably didn’t go as planned. And they may have misread Osama’s true persona, expecting a hardened fighter and instead finding an aging spiritual leader in his jammies. His own daughter says they shot him, so I assume this much is likely true.

    I agree: It would have been much much better to have him and all cohorts now in a remote facility under interrogation, instead of telling the world that you have a LIBRARY of information. What’s THAT all about? Why the F#$% would you say this? … unless you stop to ask WHO is the intended audience? With Bush, it would have been the terrorists. With Obummer, it’s probably the electorate. The inmates have control of the asylum.

  6. pwl says:

    “No Stormtroopers were seriously harmed,” Lord Vader said. “They took care to avoid civilian casualties. After a firefight, I defeated my former master and took custody of his body.” Jedi tradition requires burial within 24 hours, but by doing it in deep space, Imperial authorities presumably were trying to avoid creating a shrine for his followers.

    Lord Vader has denied requests to present photographs of the body, describing them as “too gruesome” for the general public.”

  7. Al Gored says:

    Latest lie…


    As a commenter there said, next they will find a secret stash of bacon.

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