AIP : Warming In The 1930s Was Worldwide

World Climate Getting Warmer –And It’s Not the Humidity
The Christian Science Monitor
Date:    Nov 7, 1939

Abstract (Document Summary)
NEW YORK, Nov. 7 (AP)–Worldwide evidence that climate is getting warmer was presented to the American Institute of Physics’ temperature symposium.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to AIP : Warming In The 1930s Was Worldwide

  1. Andy WeissDC says:

    In recent years, we have not been able to even come close to most of the heat records set in the 1930’s. Global warming seems greatly overstated.

  2. Ill wind blowing says:

    The 1930s was sooooo warm that why the Siberian permafrost did not melt back then like it’s been doing in the past decade. Look at this guy walking wading through swampy muck that used to be frozen soil.

    Oh yeah, the 1930s must have been swampy in Siberia. Not! Maybe it has something to do with those Socialist/ Communist/Marxist conspiratorial; cap and trade mongering Ruskies?

    What about structures built, before and after the 1930s, in what used to be solid permafrost? They are now sinking in Siberia and Alaska.

    You may now go back to your regularly scheduled indoctrination. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

      • Ill wind blowing says:

        Steve you’ve been giving me short and insubstantial responses from the beginning of my posting here.

        Now you post an irrelevant video about Carl Sagan, of all people, which is supposed to have a subtle message.

        So while you respond to me by saying“You have no idea what you are talking about.” you, yourself, are either ignorant of what Carl Sagan said about Global Warming or blissfully unaware that the gods of irony are smiling down at you.

        Here’s the Carl Sagan you don’t (care to) know:

      • suyts says:

        LMAO!!!! IWB, you’re a funny guy. You berate people for not watching or listening to your absurdly long offerings, yet you won’t watch Steve’s to see what he was saying.

        I can assure you, Steve is well aware of Sagan’s views on global warming. A trip through the archives would demonstrate that.

        But, back to the present discussion about your solid “permafrost”, go to 3:.00 and let Sagan finish the sentence……..uhhmm…..turns out, swamp ground has been with Siberia for quite some time.

        BUZZZZZZZZZZ…… try again Sparky!!

        But, I would like to thank you for demonstrating a huge weakness in the alarmist argument. They’ve no historical perspective. Everything to them is unprecedented.or the hottest evuh!!! or lowest its ever been!!!!, when in reality, its all deja vu.

        If you guys would read a history book from time to time and put down your science fiction, you might come to a better understanding and perspective of our current climate.

        Thanks for playing the Global warming game.

    • Latitude says:

      We might even get a baby mammoth out of it……………………….
      I want one!

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