Where’s my Zimmer frame? I gotta get there in the hope that a sweet young lady will accomodate an old saytr at the crack of dawn in the time honoured climax achieved amongst pagans. Emma, Jane, Dawn, t’is Odin who demands you assume the position of obeiscence. Yep, that’ll do nicely.
You call Stonehedge a great thing. It had no benefit to the people just like the climate conferences or the IPCC. Stonehedge was the result of religious fanaticism- just like the pyramids and statues of Easter Island.
Make your mind up- Steven.
If you looking for examples of doing great things for the first time, look at the Brooklin Bridge, roman baths, london sewers, First Transcontinental Railroad etc. All had great benefits. Many intangible but very real cultural changes including the response to the internet that produced those middle east revolutions, Florence Nightgales change of attitudes to nurses and nurses’ attitudes and many more real examples of doing great things.
Maybe you are not aware of what that site represents. The knowledge needed to build that was only regained last century regarding the astronomy related positioning of the rocks.
I’m sure I saw a certain Mr. Huhne, in there somewhere…
Where’s my Zimmer frame? I gotta get there in the hope that a sweet young lady will accomodate an old saytr at the crack of dawn in the time honoured climax achieved amongst pagans. Emma, Jane, Dawn, t’is Odin who demands you assume the position of obeiscence. Yep, that’ll do nicely.
You call Stonehedge a great thing. It had no benefit to the people just like the climate conferences or the IPCC. Stonehedge was the result of religious fanaticism- just like the pyramids and statues of Easter Island.
Make your mind up- Steven.
If you looking for examples of doing great things for the first time, look at the Brooklin Bridge, roman baths, london sewers, First Transcontinental Railroad etc. All had great benefits. Many intangible but very real cultural changes including the response to the internet that produced those middle east revolutions, Florence Nightgales change of attitudes to nurses and nurses’ attitudes and many more real examples of doing great things.
The only remnant of our society which will remain in 6000 years will be our garbage dumps.
Maybe you are not aware of what that site represents. The knowledge needed to build that was only regained last century regarding the astronomy related positioning of the rocks.
“What happened since then?”
The Atomic Age was scuttled by assholes.
Exhibit A: http://www.popsci.com/files/imagecache/photogallery_image/articles/glassbubblecraft.jpg
Exhibit B: http://oi49.tinypic.com/2eyurg5.jpg
Exhibit C: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2004042/Naked-female-scientist-tries-tame-beluga-whales-arctic.html