Not exactly. I see two fires. One on the Arizona/New Mexico line and one north of Santa Fe.
Not exactly. I see two fires. One on the Arizona/New Mexico line and one north of Santa Fe.
They fail to understand that the fires would be worse if humans weren’t here to put them out.
Actually, fires are worse because we put them out. Then when they do get out of control, they are very bad.
If a fire burns down an entire forest and nobody sees it, does it make any sound?
PJ: ask a woman this question. I guarantee the answer is “Yes”.
If a man is in the woods, 1000 km from another human being, and he is talking to himself; is he still wrong?
Smokey the bear was created as a representative of the timber industry. Along with the stewardship of Yellowstone was one of the worst environmental disasters created in the name of conservation.
Steve: this site shows about 6 fires in Az and NM, in the last 48 hours. Most small, only 2 large ones.,ct
zoom back to global, and it puts the Az fires in perspective. there is some serious burning going on in the world…..
Cool site. This is a quiet fire season so far out west.
Check out the DR Congo, in the last 7 days. Wild….I am not sure what is happening there, as its the end of the rainy season…..
They are destroying Gaia
Les Johnson,
It’s normal. See the YouTube video I linked below.
BTW, did you hear a politician in Washington wants to make it illegal to embed YouTube videos on blogs.
I mean if you stop fires for 100 years, of course you will have a big one at some stage, fires are natural and should occur more often!
Cyclical fires on Earth, 2000 to 2010, using Terra and Aqua satellites