Canberra Times Thinks That Australia’s 0.0006 Fraction Of CO2 Emissions Is Destroying The Planet

Professor Ross Garnaut recently highlighted the importance of action from Australia and stated: ‘‘Australia will be influential because the developed countries with high per capita emissions will be expected by the rest of the world to fully contribute to the global effort. If they do not, this will materially weaken the commitments of others, especially in the developing world. We, and other developed countries, can through inaction exercise a veto over effective global mitigation.’’

Sure, overall Australia contributes just less than 2 per cent of global emissions. But so do the vast majority of countries. In fact, countries that emit less than 2 per cent of global emissions make up around half of all the carbon pollution flowing into the atmosphere. Action from these emitters, including Australia, is crucial if we are to have any hope of reducing emissions. A global solution requires all countries to do their bit.

Man is responsible for 3% of CO2 emissions. Australia is responsible for 2% of the 3%. No doubt Australia’s 0.0006 fraction (which Julia wants to cut to 0.0005) will make a huge difference in the climate.

What a bunch of morons.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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22 Responses to Canberra Times Thinks That Australia’s 0.0006 Fraction Of CO2 Emissions Is Destroying The Planet

  1. Tony Duncan says:


    He obviously has never heard the prophetic chinese proverb. “A journey of a thousand miles is moronic if you don’t start with a few hundreds miles off right off the bat.”

    • Dave N says:

      With irrelevant analogies like that, they’ll surely fail.

      It’d be more like a journey where success requires all of 1000 people to travel one mile. One does, many don’t want to, and the others are either still deciding or can’t make up their mind.

      Here’s a proverb for you:

      Making a journey that is doomed to failure from the start is completely pointless.

      • Tony Duncan says:

        Why Dave,

        you have pretty much rewritten the quote I made up. I think mine has a more poetic flair though.
        Of course you think it is irrelevant, because you can only look at it from the framework that the CO2 thing is a scam. Since you can’t conceive of any other possibility, you are sure it is doomed to failure. if you are wrong in your ideological adherence, then this could be one of this “single steps” in the actual proverb.

      • Bruce of Newcastle says:

        A journey of 1000 miles to get 1 litre of milk from a shop is an inane waste.

        Spending $trillions to stop non-dangerous warming is a similar inane waste.

        A 2XCO2 of 0.7 C or so (eg as directly measured in S&B 2010; L&C 2011; and others) means probably less than 1 C rise this century, depending on how much fossil fuel we burn. Not dangerous.

    • Sundance says:

      Tony are you OK? I hope you didn’t get hit in the head with one of those flying bowling pins. It looks like there might be one too many “offs” in that Chinese Proverb. 🙂

    • Dear Tony,

      With logic like that, why are you still using planet-killing electricity to post on the internet? Shouldn’t your personal emissions reduction target be as large as possible?

    • gator69 says:

      “A journey of a thousand miles is moronic if you don’t start with a few hundreds miles off right off the bat.”

      A journey to poverty is one trip we should all cancel.

    • Justa Joe says:

      more like, “The road to hell is paved with good intentions”

      I was thinking about this Aussie Carbon tax. It appears to me that it just a back door way to get a VAT tax because it is absolutely pointless for a country of ~20 million people to unilaterally imagine that they can do something about the global climate even if you actually believed the CAGW nonsense.

  2. Steve says:

    Garnaut is a member of the Lowy Foundation – the Australian CFR franchise
    The CFR are the pushers for NWO.
    Of course hes going to push this madness.

  3. Ivan says:

    Yes, but they are our morons!

  4. PeterD says:

    A few of our leading Australian Alarmists have shown such faith in there ideology that they are using money made fighting Global Warming to buy waterfront houses. Go figure.

  5. Richard A says:

    “the developed countries with high per capita emissions..”…. Well we could halve this “critical’ per capita emissions business by doubling our population, albeit doubling our global emissions, at least we would then not have to be influential leaders….

  6. Andy WeissDC says:

    Australians have to set an example for the rest of the world by unilaterally and needlessly gulping down the Kool Aid.

  7. gator69 says:

    They must think we are morons and cannot reason on our own. I’m sorry, but anyone who still believes in AGW is an idiot. I will give warmists the benefit of the doubt and from now on and simply assume they are all dishonest.

  8. gator69 says:

    Let’s have a look at how Ms Stroeve pays her mortgage…

    Scientists at NSIDC…
    Julienne Stroeve
    Current Research:
    -Diagnosing the declining arctic sea ice cover
    -Studying impact of future loss of Arctic sea ice on northern hemisphere snow cover

    So it stands to reason that if there was not a problem with declining ice, or if this were a seen to be a natural phenomenon, Ms Stroeve would have to seek funding for her mortgage elsewhere. Not stupid, just dishonest, unless she admits that the preponderance of observational science argues against man made global warming. Car salesmen are not going to tell prospective customers to use public transport.

    Now, if her stance is that ice is declining as it always has after a peak, I apologize.

    • I’ve never seen any indication that Julienne is being dishonest.

      • Gator says:

        “Stroeve explains that highly reliable data on the extent of Arctic sea ice has been collected since 1978. From then until now she has found clear evidence of a 30-year melting trend, which, she says, “cannot be easily explained away by natural variability.”


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