Lefties : “Rebuild This Wall”

I can take a guess how these scumbags feel about global warming.

(Reuters) – Berlin’s mayor said on Saturday he was appalled that some Germans were nostalgic for the Berlin Wall and supported a newly fashionable leftist view that there were legitimate reasons for building it in 1961.
At a somber ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of the Berlin Wall’s construction, Mayor Klaus Wowereit, Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Christian Wulff paid tribute to the 136 people killed trying to get over the Wall to West Berlin.

Wowereit said the Wall, toppled in 1989, should serve as a reminder of freedom and democracy around the world. Church bells peeled while trains and traffic came to a standstill at noon across Berlin for a moment of silence for the victims.

“We don’t have any tolerance for those who nostalgically distort the history of the Berlin Wall and Germany’s division,” Wowereit said at the ceremony in front of a small section of the Wall recently rebuilt for posterity.

“The Wall was part of a dictatorship,” he said. “And it’s alarming that even today some people argue there were good reasons to build the Wall. No! There’s no legitimate reason nor justification for violating human rights and for killings.”


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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51 Responses to Lefties : “Rebuild This Wall”

  1. P.J. says:

    “some Germans were nostalgic for the Berlin Wall and supported a newly fashionable leftist view that there were legitimate reasons for building it in 1961.”

    These are the same people who feel that Lenin, Stalin, Mao, etc were misunderstood. These people are evil.

  2. Kaboom says:

    Wowereit is in an reelection campaign and ironically is currently governing Berlin with a left-left coalition. His coalition partner is none other than the successor of the former east German communist party.

    • Paul H says:

      Many of the leaders of East Germany after the war were Nazis and of course many of the current East European politicians, particularly in the EU, are former communists.

      At the end of the day, most politicians are interested in power and nothing else.

      • Ill wind blowing says:

        “Many of the leaders of East Germany after the war were Nazis. . .”

        Actually, something similar applied to West Germany. The US only purged the leaders of the upper echelons during the Nuremberg Trials. They left the rest of the Nazi apparatchiks because there would have been no one to run the nation.

        However, in East Germany the Soviets purged a lot more Nazi bureaucrats that the US.

      • Justa Joe says:

        Sounds like BS. I’m supposed to believe that the Soviet purges were more thorough than the de-Nazification carried out by the allies because the Soviets were superior morally.

        Anyway A true Warmist would have to lament the fall of east Germany. The East Germans had much lower per capita CO2 emissions based on their much lower standard of living.

      • Ill wind blowing says:

        Justa Joe:

        “Sounds like BS. I’m supposed to believe that the Soviet purges were more thorough than the de-Nazification carried out by the allies because the Soviets were superior morally.”

        I never said anything about the motivations behind the purges I simply made a statement based on history. It’s obvious you haven’t given much thought to your response before posting it. You simply assumed that I thought such a thing because of your demonization of “Warmists”.

        Either you’re not aware of the mentality of the Soviets and the Allies, or if you are, you never bothered to think it through before throwing your rotten tomatoes at me.

        The reason the Soviets purged more Nazis than the Allies did is because they:

        1. Suffered more brutality at the hands of the Nazi’s than Europe did.
        2. They were more sanguinary to begin with.

        The Allies, on the other hand, were more pragmatic and were more interested in having a smooth transition towards the rebuilding of Western Germany. Too pragmatic for my taste. I would have killed more of them even if it slowed down economic recovery.

        “Anyway A true Warmist would have to lament the fall of east Germany. The East Germans had much lower per capita CO2 emissions based on their much lower standard of living.”

        This statement is even more pathetic than your first because:

        Feudalistic, Medieval Europe;
        Mongolians under Genghis Khan;
        Blood slurping Aztecs etc…

        …had even lower CO2 footprints than East Germany.

        What is truly BS, is for you to say what you did. We’re not as one dimensional as your mental caricature of us would lead you to believe. And I have more imagination than you, to boot.

      • Justa Joe says:

        I’d figure that you’d come back with a response like that. By your logic Al Capone should be honored as one of the world’s greatest crime fighters based on how many gangsters that he killed. Maybe you also want to commend the Soviet Red Army for all of the women that they raped no doubt some of them may have been Nazi sympathizers.

        “Too pragmatic for my taste. I would have killed more of them even if it slowed down economic recovery.” – ILL

        You lefties never disappoint when it comes to blood lust impotent though it may be in your case. The Allies treatment of the conquered Germans and the subsequent reconstruction of Western Europe was 1000X better than anything the commies ever did in terms of Justice, pragmatism, and efficiency. point blank

        Warmist are the people advocating a reduction in consumption ala the former Eastern Germany. Sorry to break the news to you.

  3. Latitude says:

    All eyes on Germany in Europe debt crisis

    The country is already bearing much of the bailout burden. Now the question is how much more it’s willing to take on.

    Germans groaned about bailing out Greece, but reluctantly agreed. They gritted their teeth over Ireland and Portugal, but ponied up.

    Now that Europe’s debt crisis is threatening economic giants like Italy, Spain and, most recently, France, everyone is looking to Germany yet again, and one of the key questions is how much patience the German public has left for its less-disciplined neighbors.

    “Germans feel like they’ve been used as Europe’s piggy bank time and time again, and now they are saying ‘No more,’ ” said Europe analyst Peter Zeihan of the international analysis firm Stratfor.

    • Paul H says:

      Germany is a bit like the old rich bloke who fancies the young blonde. He wines and dines her. But after they get married he finds out she takes him for every penny he has got.

    • DirkH says:

      We will pay nevertheless – through inflation. If you can’t get it directly from the people, do it indirectly by inflating the currency. It will work like this: ECB will buy bad debt from the PIIGS etc states, Eurobonds will be issued, some form of QE will inflate the money pool, and the Eurozone will survive the same way the US survives.

      The politicians will have to find a way to do this gently so the electorate doesn’t groan too much and it will take serious and persistent lying, but i think it’s doable.

  4. Amino Acids in Meteorites says:


    –Pawlenty drops out—- http://news.yahoo.com/ex-minn-gov-tim-pawlenty-ends-white-house-124623539.html

    –Other Republicans candidates waiting to see which candidate Pawlenty endorses—– http://www.latimes.com/news/politics/la-pn-perry-pawlenty-20110814,0,5913345.story

    Obama below 40% approval in Gallup poll, at 39%—- http://www.gallup.com/poll/113980/gallup-daily-obama-job-approval.aspx

    –Obama at lowest “Strongly Approve” in Rasmussen Poll, tied at 20%, lowest since he became President, will he soon drop below 20%?—– http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/obama_approval_index_history

  5. Andy WeissDC says:

    There are probably some who are nostagic about Adolph Hitler and the concentration camps as well.

  6. DirkH says:

    “And it’s alarming that even today some people argue there were good reasons to build the Wall.”

    In fact i have heard nobody delivering such justifications. Wowereit bashes a strawman. He’s overning with a coalition of Die Linke (reformed SED; the old communist governing party of the DDR) and the Social democrats.

    By bashing an imaginary far-left strawman he wants to make himself more attractive for people in the middle of the political spectrum. It’s a dumb rethorical trick.

    • DirkH says:

      But, to take Wowereit’s sentence literally:
      “And it’s alarming that even today some people argue there were good reasons to build the Wall.”

      A historian would say that the DDR had a very good reason for building the wall: Stopping the workers from leaving the worker’s paradise. And what is alarming about a historian delivering such an analysis? Nothing. Wowereit’s a demagogue.

    • GregW says:

      Maybe I’ve lived longer than you have, but funnily enough I have actually heard someone say just that. During a conversation with a committed old-line socialist I pointed out that they had to build a wall to keep the people in while in the West we have to make an effort, however poorly we are doing it, to keep people out. Her answer was that the state had paid for the escapees’ educations and it wasn’t fair to let them go. Lame, yes, but communism still has a fair number of defenders even though it has been an abysmal failure. Go figure.

  7. higley7 says:

    Communism is socialism run by a gang. And the gang will use any force possible to protect their position. Everybody not in the Party was totally expendable and, if the little people did not like it, they were treasonous and needed to be squashed or killed.

    Yeah, that’s what we all want today. . . Yeah. Wait a minute, NO!

  8. Ill wind blowing says:

    “I can take a guess how these scumbags feel about global warming.”

    What a pathetic analogy from a dummkopf who doesn’t even realize that the Russians/Communists, before and after the Soviet Union, have been anti-AGW all along.

    Your assinine assumption that “Left” means pro-AGW, throughout the world, is simply the result of living in a one dimensional, religio-ideological universe. You simply sniff around your backyard and assume that the whole neighborhood smells the same.

    • GregW says:

      1. The post was about Germans, not Russians
      2. The Soviet Union was dissolved in 1990 well before AGW alarmism developed
      3. It’s a pretty good generalization to say leftists around the world are AGW alarmists. Do you think it’s the conservatives? Even the Chinese who would call themselves socialists, but are leftist in name only (but still totalitarian), would like us to destroy our ecomomies while letting them produce and pollute like crazy.

    • IWB’s grasp of history is obviously nearly as strong as her grasp of science.

      I want to hear the lecture about how the National Socialists were a right wing Christian gun club again!

      • Ill wind blowing says:

        Stark Dickflüssig says:

        “IWB’s grasp of history is obviously nearly as strong as her grasp of science.”

        It’s better than both of yours because…

        Greg W:

        1. The post was about Germans, not Russians

        Take a look at what Paul H said and you’ll have an idea as to what I was talking about;

        “Many of the leaders of East Germany after the war were Nazis and of course many of the current East European politicians, particularly in the EU, are former communists.”

        In case you didn’t notice, East Germany was under the domain of the Soviets, and Paul as well as Steve, were simply putting all “Leftists” in the same bag.

        Because of that, I responded to both their statements by describing how Communists in general were anti-AGW.

        “2. The Soviet Union was dissolved in 1990 well before AGW alarmism developed.”

        Wrong. AGW appeared on the ‘radar’ in the early 1980’s. As soon as AGW became an issue, it was inevitable that a country committed to heavy industrialization would have adopted an anti-AGW stance.

        What’s more, the post Soviet Russian elite did not automatically become “Capitalists”. They retained, to an extent, their Communistic mentality.

        But it’s the influence of the oil Mafia (GAZPROM) that has made Russia virulently anti-AGW; even compared to the US.

        “3. It’s a pretty good generalization to say leftists around the world are AGW alarmists. Do you think it’s the conservatives? Even the Chinese who would call themselves socialists, but are leftist in name only (but still totalitarian), would like us to destroy our ecomomies while letting them produce and pollute like crazy.”

        That’s ridiculous. China’s economy depends on the US, and those nations who would be affected by a US economic collapse. The Western World is a substantial part of their market in case you didn’t know.

        As for your Generalization about Leftists, that depends on the definition of “Leftist” and the particular social conditions they find themselves in. The leadership in East Germany, as well as the Communist world in general, were and are “leftist” in name only. They are “Right Wing” in their psychological make-up.

      • P.J. says:

        @IWB: “The leadership in East Germany, as well as the Communist world in general, were and are “leftist” in name only. They are “Right Wing” in their psychological make-up.”

        Right wing? Please explain …I can’t wait to hear this one.

    • PhilJourdan says:

      Blow –

      What a pathetic analogy from a dummkopf who doesn’t even realize that the Russians/Communists, before and after the Soviet Union, have been anti-AGW all along.

      Can you back that up with position papers from the old USSR? Please, I would love to see it since I never heard them talk about it at all. They were too busy committing economic suicide (something the Obama administration has picked up from them, but they still want to be green too).

  9. Ill wind blowing says:


    People often time refer to themselves as having values that they gave up a long time ago or never had in the first place.

    For example.

    The Nazi party started as an eclectic group of people with a varity of ideologies. They called themselves “Nationalists” in order to appeal to Germany’s Right Wing elements. They called themselves “Socialists” in order to appeal to the “Left Wing”.

    They had a substantial number of actual Socialists but their fate was sealed when Mr. Clipped Moustache gained power. Hitler hated Communists and Capitalists. What few people know is that he also hated Socialists. He hated them all.

    The Socialist elements were whining about their party being Socialistic in name only. Hitler gave them this response.

    Operation Hummingbird.

    That was a code word for a purge that Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels conceived of. They were going to rid themselves of the SAS/Brown Shirts/Socialist elements in the Nazi party. They had served their purpose when they had been unleashed against Jews, Communists and Socialists but were beginning to become a menace to the general population.

    Several hundred people (official count 80 some) were executed in that purge. The “zi” was lopped off the “Na”. Yet Hitler kept using the title “National Socialist”. Why? Because he felt like it.

    Which brings me to the point. You asked how Communist/Leftists could be right wing in their temperament. It’s real simple. What people in general call or consider themselves to be can be the opposite of what they really are.


    • P.J. says:

      While the link you provided gives some interesting insights on Hitler, it doesn’t address the issue of the communists. Are you saying that the bloodthirsty nature of communists like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, etc is a right-wing thing?

      • Ill wind blowing says:

        No, that’s not what I’m saying. I was making a specific reference to the Russians irrespective of their ideology. The reasons I gave were; their brutalization during Hitler’s invasion.

        I realize my stance is somewhat confusing because the situation is a bit more complex than a simplistic focus on ideology can convey.

        No, that’s not what I’m saying. I was making a specific reference to the Russians irrespective of their ideology. The reasons I gave were; their brutalization during Hitler’s invasion.

        I realize my stance is somewhat confusing because the situation is a bit more complex than a simplistic focus on ideology can convey.

        Ideology is actually generated or accepted on the basis of neurological differences in the individual’s brain. That means, ordinarily, that some people are predisposed to accepting one ideology or the other. Intermediate characters (Moderates). Others, like me, may have an ecclectic ideology.

        However, social conditions, particularly in authoritarian states, can cause one to espouse an ideology that he doesn’t actually have. This could be for reasons of self interest or, more likely, the person actually believes that he is “Left Wing” in spite of his actual “Right Wing” character.

        Studies have been done on the psychological and even neurological differences between people on both sides of the political spectrum. It’s fascinating. Don’t have time to get into it though. You might want to Google.

        However, social conditions, particularly in authoritarian states, can cause one to espouse an ideology that he doesn’t actually have. This could be for reasons of self interest or, more likely, the person actually believes that he is “Left Wing” in spite of his actual “Right Wing” character.

        Studies have been done on the psychological and even neurological differences between people on both sides of the political spectrum. It’s fascinating. Don’t have time to get into it though. You might want to Google.

    • suyts says:

      Ill, this goes toward the words having different meanings to different people. Communist, leftist, socialist, right wing….. all of it means different things to different people….. so, when you say, “What people in general call or consider themselves to be can be the opposite of what they really are.”….. it is only in the definition of what you believe they really are.

      Towards the history……… In practice, Germany was a socialistic state during that time. It makes little sense to try and distort the history of that nation’s economics. It differed greatly from many socialist states of today, but, it was a brief and tumultuous time. Its difficult to discern what Germany would have been if Hitler would have preserved. That said, their are easy parallels one can draw upon to see which way the Nationalist Socialists leaned. The practices of Stalin and Hitler are almost indistinguishable. You point to Hitler’s purge of socialists as if that meant he wasn’t a socialist. He was. Stalin killed more communists than the U.S. ever did. That doesn’t mean Stalin wasn’t a communist, he was.

      I would posit nationalism isn’t a left or right issue, but, I’m a nationalist, so…..perhaps to a leftist nationality is of no consequence or concern…..hard telling. I’ll end with this…… An American by the Grace of God, a conservative by choice!

    • GregW says:

      IWB: It’s real simple. What people in general call or consider themselves to be can be the opposite of what they really are.
      IWB: Others, like me, may have an ecclectic ideology.

      You’re right! It really is simple. You call and consider yourself eclectic but you are the opposite – a leftist.
      As Stark said, “You could literally cut & paste this nonsense from any comment thread on dkos, du, or any of alex jones’s execrable websites.”
      Have you ever thought of commenting on one of those left-wing sites? You seem like a glorified hall monitor. Why do yoiu want to spend your time annoying other people with your animosity and your “theories”.

  10. Hitler hated Communists and Capitalists. What few people know is that he also hated Socialists. He hated them all.

    Yeah, it’s what I thought, IWB’s Weltanschauung is basically pure revisionist clap-trap read off of the back cover of books full of nonsense dreamt up by unreconstructed 1960s marxists. You could literally cut & paste this nonsense from any comment thread on dkos, du, or any of alex jones’s execrable websites.

  11. Ill wind blowing says:

    “Yeah, it’s what I thought, IWB’s Weltanschauung is basically pure revisionist clap-trap read off of the back cover of books full of nonsense dreamt up by unreconstructed 1960s marxists.”


    Google is good for you.

    Google is your friend.

    Before opening your ignorant mouth, remember Google.

    Google will help you with your revisionist history.

  12. Ill wind blowing says:

    . . .“copied from a self-edited wikipedia article”.

    What an intelligent response coming from a person who didn’t even bother to look, let alone link to, the URL I provided. And Heavens forbid Stark Dick from actually doing any research.

    Here’s another link that took me 30 seconds to look up:



    “However the SA was becoming a hindrance to Hitler, with demands to refocus the Nazi party on its socialist agenda, and for the SA to take over the army. So, with the SA no longer useful, Hitler turned against Roehm.”

  13. Justa Joe says:

    “I would posit nationalism isn’t a left or right issue, but, I’m a nationalist, so…..perhaps to a leftist nationality is of no consequence or concern…..” – SUYTS

    Leftists claim not to be nationalistic when they are not in power as a means of tearing down the institutions of a nation, but once they gain control of a nation it is nationalism all day every day. They’d have the missiles parading down Pennsylvania Ave every May Day and the red banner hanging from everything vertical. They also tend to crack down social liberalism too as it tends to be viewed as counter revolutionary once they gain control. Didn’t Joe Biden tell us that paying our taxes is patriotic?

    This crap that the night of the long knives was because Hitler wanted to purge the socialists from the party is pure BS. Everyone knows this was done by Hitler to consolidate his own power and also to appease the Wehrmacht. Leftists regimes always devolve towards totalitarianism.

    Read the political platform of the National Socialist German Workers party. It sounds like something ILL wind would endorce in its “progressiveness”.

    • P.J. says:

      The platform sounds very left-wing to me.

      “Leftists regimes always devolve towards totalitarianism.”

      The only way to ensure a workers’ “paradise” is through force, in which case it makes everyone equal … as in equally miserable.

      A few years ago, I spoke with a gentleman who lived through communism in Poland. When going to the “supermarket” as it were, the shelves were completely empty, except for two things – tea and vinegar. Everything else, you had to line up for.

  14. PhilJourdan says:

    Ill wind blowing says:
    August 15, 2011 at 2:21 am

    People often time refer to themselves as having values that they gave up a long time ago or never had in the first place.

    For example.

    The Nazi party started as an eclectic group of people with a varity of ideologies. They called themselves “Nationalists” in order to appeal to Germany’s Right Wing elements. They called themselves “Socialists” in order to appeal to the “Left Wing”.

    Yoru ignorance is astounding! They called themselves nationalists because they were! That is why Stalin hated them, not to appeal to the right wing. Nazis were never right wing, except as defined by Stalin himself! Nazis were Socialist, and appealed to the Labor unions and unemployed in Weimar Germany! You really should learn, because your post is so full of BS, I doubt you can get the bull into it!

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