Ice-Free Arctic Defined

Julienne gave her definition of an ice-free Arctic today.

I do believe the Arctic will likely be ice-free (less than 1 million sq-km) during my lifetime.

1,000,000 km² is about 17,200 (pre-2008) Manhattans.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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62 Responses to Ice-Free Arctic Defined

  1. Latitude says:

    Isn’t that sorta like saying a donut is sugar free………………

  2. Andy Weiss says:

    1 million would still be quite a reduction from current levels. I don’t know Julienne’s age or life expectancy, but if correct, that prediction would probably mean completely ice free in the not too distant future.

    • I don’t see any mechanism to get that low.

    • DirkH says:

      And how many square miles of ice is “completely ice free” in warmist parlance?

    • Julienne Stroeve says:

      Andy, I plan on living until a 120 😉
      But by not too distant future, I think within the next 20-30 years….(and I’ll still be rather young then).

      • Bruce of Newcastle says:

        Thats a good plan! But with 2XCO2 measurements clustering around 0.7 C and a solar minimum somewhere between the Dalton and Maunder in intensity, the 20-30 year horizon doesn’t look likely to me. The CLOUD and Uni of Aarhus results are a pretty good vindication of Svensmark and Friis-Christensen – the latter being one of the first to show that previous solar cycle length quite strongly correlates with global temperature in the following decade. It really is looking like a strong hypothesis.

  3. That has got to be the most desperate attempt I have ever seen to claim the AGW predictions are right …

    • Julienne Stroeve says:

      Hi Gray, actually 1 million sq-km is commonly used in the literature. The reason being is that model simulations suggest that some ice will likely remain north of Greenland and within the Canadian Archipelago even as the majority of the Arctic Ocean is ice free. Plus, year to year variability in weather could certainly lead to ice piling up in some regions one year and not the other. Note the winter ice is still expected to form, just that the Arctic will become more like the Antarctic, with increased sea ice mobility, thinner sea ice and lower concentration (more leads) through the winter pointing to a Weddell-Sea-style system rather than the Arctic Ocean of the 1970-1990s.

      • Sundance says:

        Julia thanks for visiting Steve’s site. Recently Mark Serrez presented at an IPCC climate group workshop in preperation for AR5 I assume, and offered new findings on black carbon and surface level ozone and suggesting that reductions in those areas could reduce ice loss in the short term. Can you offer more detail or nudge me in the right direction to get more info and/or data? TIA

      • Drewski says:

        Wow! Actual information on a Steve Goddard site – thanks!!

      • Scott says:


        Similar “actual information” has been discussed in plenty of threads here in the past. Maybe if you actual read stuff here instead of just trolled, you’d know that.


      • DEEBEE says:

        Steven, drewski has all his sense; he just spins then into nonsense.

  4. Squidly says:

    hahaha … wow, evidently I have totally misunderstood “ice free” … I guess “ice free” really means “a lot of fricken ice” … sorry to have had it soooo wrong all of this time.

  5. Latitude says:

    Ice Free…means you can row to the pole………..//snark

    • Latitude says:

      (less than 1 million sq-km)

      ……1/10 th the size of Europe
      almost the size of the Gulf of Mexico
      …and exactly the size of Egypt

  6. Martin says:

    I’m planning an expedition to row to the South pole – anyone want to sponsor me? :))

  7. julienne stroeve says:

    Hi Sundance, I wonder if Dr. Serreze is referring to the study that came out of Stanford in 2010
    where they used a computer model to look at the effects of soot – black and brown particles that absorb solar radiation? Not sure as I haven’t seen that presentation by Serreze myself…

  8. julienne stroeve says:

    Me…I guess I’m missing what you’re trying to say…

    • Me says:

      Yeah, That not all your missing.

      • julienne stroeve says:

        Lol…well then enlighten me 🙂

      • Me says:

        😆 and 🙄

      • suyts says:

        Me, it is just my opinion, but, I think you should do better than that. Dr. Stroeve has taken the time to interact. It is likely that in the end she’ll disagree with what you may be trying to state, but, I’d at least go through the effort to try and explain.

      • Me says:

        Suyts, If she can’t figure that out then, Yeah that’s not all she is missing when she makes that comment Gotcha afew weeks back, and now, here it bites her back, Oviosuly! Now do you got that yet, or do you get at all?

      • suyts says:

        I recall the “gotcha” comment. And, I understand viewing her as an “enemy”, she works for NOAA after all. But, what I’m saying, it may not be very productive to view her in this manner. You may have a different view. But, I view her as a person I wouldn’t want to alienate for no purpose. She, at least, lends us an ear.

        Me, I familiar with your comments, and I agree with most all that I can recall. Don’t take offense. None was intended.


      • Me says:

        Good that you remembered that gotcha comment Suyts. At least you get it, she still don’t have a clue.

  9. julienne stroeve says:

    Me…I honestly don’t think I’ve ever used the word “gotcha” in any post I’ve ever done. I really have no idea what you are talking about.. but then again, I don’t spend hours on here going over every entry…

    • julienne stroeve says:

      I guess not

    • suyts says:

      Well, I’ve already interjected, so……….

      Julienne, you did. Please don’t ask me to prove it……it would be tedious to so at this point. I’ve drank copious amounts of beer, and while still possible……it would be undesirable.

      Me….. again, I’m not sure what is gained here. It isn’t as if she interacts here to snark. We, (or rather I, I can’t speak for “Me”, but perhaps I can for myself….?!?!) don’t wish for Dr. Stroeve to go away, We want people like her to interact and, perhaps, expose her to views she hasn’t considered. Just my thoughts.


    • Me says:

      😆 No I’m not, I’m just Me. And if julienne doesn’t like being called out, Oh well. She isn’t the only pretty face out there. Flattery will only get you so far, but the saying is, it will get you nowhere, but I guess for here, so far is appropriate. mrgreen:

    • Julienne stroeve says:

      actually, I should rephrase that, I would use the word gotcha to acknowledge what someone said, but not in the “I gotcha” way of superiority. I think respectful dialogue is the only way to be in these types of discussions.

      • Julienne,

        That is exactly what you did. “Me” is confused and making a pointless argument.

        julienne stroeve says: August 15, 2011 at 6:28 pm


        some #s for the Chukchi sea?.from 1979-2006 the average seasonal ice loss was 63%, the last 4 years it was 99%.

      • Me says:

        Ah, I see, says the blind man, from saying I’ve never used the word Gotcha. It’s not a word I would use, not my style, to bending it like this, actually, I should rephrase that, I would use the word gotcha to acknowledge what someone said, but not in the “I gotcha” way of superiority.

    • Me says:

      Although she does look pretty hot doesn’t she. 😈

  10. Gator says:

    “I do believe the Arctic will likely be ice-free (less than 1 million sq-km) during my lifetime.”

    Does this mean Afghanistan is a gun free zone?

  11. Julienne stroeve says:

    Sometimes this site is pretty entertaining 🙂

  12. Me says:

    😆 Remember this?????? LMAO!

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