NSIDC : Arctic Ice Extent Normal – For The First Time In At Least Seven Years

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NASA experts say that the Arctic may be ice free this summer.

NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally said: “At this rate, the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer by 2012, much faster than previous predictions.”

Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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66 Responses to NSIDC : Arctic Ice Extent Normal – For The First Time In At Least Seven Years

  1. Jean-Paul says:

    I wonder if one of the warmists will take care of reminding Jay Zwally of his incredibly accurate prediction?

  2. Latitude says:

    Is it actually touching the line?…….looks like it is

    • Jim says:

      NSIDC won’t actually allow it to touch or God forbid cross the line. They will make adjustments as they did last week!

  3. Scott says:

    Well, the end of the summer isn’t here yet…there’s always the possibility…

  4. kbray in california says:

    Wait, wait, 99.35% of normal, is still abnormal, according to the University of Illinois.

    I’ll give it another week, or two, or three, or….
    ’cause they need to make “adjustments”…

  5. glenncz says:

    Only one more year to go. NASA says we are “getting at” tipping point. Arctic “COULD” be mostly ice free by 2013.
    “very likely”, “possibility”, “models”, “predict”,
    don’t worry, we have the best minds working on this right now…

  6. Bob722 says:

    I’m patiently awaiting the “death spiral” of the entire Global Warming scam. Arctic ice, be just fine, thank you…

  7. Andy DC says:

    It was 0 F in Churchill this morning. -6 on the shores of Hudson Bay north of Churchill. Minus teens in northern Canada. The freeze season is still going on!

  8. Dave G says:

    I say, Jay should be up there reporting this live! and climbing into his boat as the ice is melting

  9. lanceap says:

    no matter what…by end of summer, the ice will have receded. How much depends on winds. HOWEVER, if, its above most of the past years, the alarmists will just move the goal post and stated that this is an unusual year, but its still on track to lose all the ice etc..etc….

  10. ToSeek says:

    The NSIDC also notes that the current cover is thinner and newer than it has been historically and therefore more likely to melt during the summer. Anyone care to bet that we’re still normal or above six months from now?

    • Are you forecasting ice free this year – or next?

      • ToSeek says:

        No, and neither is just about anyone else except this one guy. Are you forecasting things will remain back to normal this year and next?

      • ToSeek says:

        You’re the one obfuscating things by making a big deal about the specific year. The bottom line is that eventually the ice is going away, and that’s just one of the changes that humans are going to have to deal with.

        • According to the top Norwegian expert, the ice disappeared in 2008. According to the top Canadian expert it disappeared in 2010. Maslowski and Gore say next year. What is your bet?

    • cartoonasaur says:

      ToSeek, your “bottom line” comes from someone’s bottom. Just saying. Time will tell. And when it does, I truly doubt you’ll acknowledge how gullible you were…

    • Latitude says:

      ToSeek says:
      April 26, 2012 at 7:28 pm

      The NSIDC also notes that the current cover is thinner and newer than it has been historically and therefore more likely to melt during the summer.
      Hey dunderbrain, you’re talking about wind…..
      …temperature would be global warming

  11. omnologos says:

    Since the 30-year average is.obviously going to be much lower than the 20-year one they’re using until the end of the year, we have been above average for a while already.

  12. Scott says:

    Will there be anything in the press when it goes above the average? I doubt it

  13. Marian says:

    “ToSeek says:
    April 26, 2012 at 7:28 pm
    The NSIDC also notes that the current cover is thinner and newer than it has been historically and therefore more likely to melt during the summer. Anyone care to bet that we’re still normal or above six months from now?”

    And haven’t we had some of these claims before about the newer ice being thinner. Only to turn out actual real measurements had the newer ice ‘thicker’ than expected?

  14. Bill Yarber says:

    The fundamental mistake the AGW crowd makes is assuming that the climate we have seen over the past 3,000 years is “typical” and the way it should be. A longer historical perspective shows that the Holocene (past 10-11,000 years) is the most stable climate in the past 30 million years or more. Earth’s climate has been changing for billions of years without human influence and to think we have suddenly become the driving factor because we’re burning fossill fuels is the height of arrogance, or stupidity. I’m willing to bet the Arctic had ice free summers during the Holocene Optimum (10,000 years ago) and probably will again sometime in the future. I’m also willing to bet that we will not see an ice free summer in the Arctic during the 21st century. I won’t live to see if I’m right or wrong, nor will anyone else reading this post. How did the absurd AGW theory ever get accepted by credible scientists?


  15. omnologos says:

    Leave the guy alone, I mean, really, he knows the future, what can we reply to that?

    Even the dumbest has a right not to be bullied.

  16. Kaboom says:

    I hope he staked his continued employment and pension on that claim.

  17. NoMoreGore says:

    I’m still wondering what I need to do to “deal with” missing arctic ice…. ? Mainly because not one freaking thing would change in the temperate zone. If it occurred, it could not remain so in the following winter, and would then return to the general area of the maximum, just as it does every year. The Bears would swim, the seals would play… until a bear eats them, Klimate Komrades would squeal, and all would be just as they are…

  18. comanchepilot says:

    The Emperor has no clothes but the Climate Nazis see him in all of his finery . . .

  19. troe says:

    Can you visualize a group of coal miners freaked out by a dead ideological canary coming to the realization that they are still alive? These guys give witch doctoring a bad name.

  20. ToSeek says:

    Told you so: http://nsidc.org/arcticseaicenews/2012/06/sea-ice-tracking-at-record-low-levels/

    And it didn’t even take six months. Anyone want to talk ice extent now?

  21. Michael D Smith says:

    World Wildlife Fund? Holy God. Like giving money to some propaganda mega-corporation is going to save a baby seal or something. You think lawyers give a shit about wildlife? Get real.

  22. mandas says:

    How’s the bet going Steve?

    Anyone else want to revisit some of their earlier comments on this issue?
    eg “.Bob722..I’m patiently awaiting the “death spiral” of the entire Global Warming scam. Arctic ice, be just fine, thank you…”
    lanceap:… the alarmists will just move the goal post and stated that this is an unusual year,..”
    lorilsk: “…It’s failed science. Current global sea ice extent is 600,000 sq km above the average…”

    Anything at all to say guys?

    Come on. I’m waiting for your explanations.

  23. Andrew Troup says:

    Stevengoddard: Yes, I would happy to place a wager that 2012 will not reach a record minimum extent. I take it you are willing to make that bet?
    (later) Done.

    Michael Smith: Anything at all to say guys?

    OMG – the Arctic is collapsing. We are all going to die

    Me: I take it that’s as near as you’ll ever get to saying “Gee, I got that wrong”
    I’ve known a lot of guys with this strange deficiency, but mercifully they grew out of it later, as teenagers.

  24. Andrew Troup says:

    Stephen Goddard keep posting links to lure us away from the one he based this page on
    Which is hardly surprising because it tells a different story. I remind you that HE chose it.

    People who shop around, quoting different snippets from selected sources depending SOLELY on whether they suit their pre-decided conclusions, are not generally taken seriously.
    It’s usually characteristic of religious cranks, and people whom no-one wishes to sit next to on the bus.

    If you check the CURRENT N_timeseries.png (1050×840)
    instead of the snapshot in April, conveniently pinned at the top of this page
    it shows that the current sea ice area, measured according to the criteria Stephen Goddard chose, has dived below the 2007 line and is currently running about 12% down.

    I personally don’t attach any particular significance to this – I’m more concerned that a fairly typical end of summer ice area for the last five years is completely off the scale for the last thirty.

    Stephen, on the other had, did attach great significance to the value for 2012 by this self-same measure, when it suited him

  25. NSherrard says:

    Huh? So are you sticking to your bet or not?

  26. Andrew Troup says:

    Further, on Steven’s <>

    Why is Steven commenting, in the topic of this page, on something Jay Zwally said FIVE YEARS ago.

    And misrepresenting it, in order to scoff.

    Zwally said “At this rate, the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer by 2012”

    He did not say “It may be ice free”, those are Steven’s words

    As it happens, it is getting perilously close to being nearly ice free at the end of summer 2012, considering how thin it is.

    Area is not a measure of quantity, volume is a measure of quantity.

    Given the tragic inability to offer any sort of predictive insight, I can see why Steven is fixated on trying to tack some sort of temporal fig-leaf over his dangling pronouncements from the recent past, as they twist sadly in the unkind winds of reality.

  27. ahaveland says:

    The last canary just fell off its perch and all the markets have sold out of crow.

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