What Happens When Morons Start Talking About Science

If a glacial front is rapidly retreating, that proves man made global warming. If a glacier front is rapidly pushing forward, that also proves man made global warming. No matter what a glacier does, it is caused by man made global warming.

Data sheds light on speed of Greenland’s glaciers
By Mark Kinver
Environment reporter, BBC News

Ice that is deposited into the sea by glaciers contributes to sea-level rise

As a result, the ice rivers may be contributing “significantly less” to sea-level rise than had been thought.

Previous studies had estimated that the nation’s glaciers would double their flow by 2010 and continue to maintain that speed, they explained.

But the team, writing in Science, said the glaciers could eventually flow faster than earlier studies estimated.

The team of US researchers based their findings on data stretching back to 2000-2001, collected from more than 200 outlet glaciers.

“So far, on average, we are seeing about a 30% speed-up in 10 years,” observed lead author Twila Moon from the University of Washington, Seattle.

This is less than earlier projections, one of which estimated that glacial flow would increase by 100% between 2000 and 2010 before stabilising at that new velocity.

BBC News – Data sheds light on speed of Greenland’s glaciers

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to What Happens When Morons Start Talking About Science

  1. Andy DC says:

    I get the feeling that they are pulling these numbers out of their posterior region.

  2. Only objective glaciologists appear to understand that what’s happening at the snout of a glacier, any glacier, is far more a result of what happened when that ice was formed in the accumulation zone, and what happened to it as it slid downwards over decades or even centuries, gaining or losing ice, than current conditions at the snout.

    Snouts are all that the other glaciologists, or climate scientists who “know about ice” ever look at. Snouts are what pigs put in the trough. Grants are what this type of glaciologist and all-knowing scientist dig from the trough. Draw any conclusions you like.

  3. Glacier research is beloved of scoundrels because the data is limited and very very noisy. It can be used to prove anything you want it to prove. Just select your start and end points.

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