Dismantling The Stupidity Piece By Piece

It is well known that nighttime surface temperatures have risen over the last century. This is primarily due to the Urban Heat Island effect. Asphalt, heaters, air conditioners, irrigation – they all keep nighttime temperatures up.

NOAA did a study showing that Phoenix is now 7-13 degrees warmer at night than nearby rural regions.

National Weather Service – NWS Phoenix

I measured the same thing on my bicycle in Fort Collins two days ago. You don’t need a large city to create UHI – just one paved road.

Asphalt Heat Islands | Real Science

Rather than accepting the painfully obvious facts about UHI, alarmists instead try to blame the nighttime warming on imaginary feedback from CO2.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to Dismantling The Stupidity Piece By Piece

  1. gregole says:

    So true. I live in southeast Phoenix Arizona a densely urbanized area close to a rural area. I mount an external temperature logger on my car and right about sundown drive from my house to the open desert to the south (as a matter of fact toward Maricopa) and then back north to the city. I have consistently measured around 7 degrees F cooler temperature in the open desert compared to the city. Others have done it too who live in North Phoenix – it just isn’t that hard to grasp; the asphalt, buildings, concrete, structures – they get hot during the daytime and in the summer get exceptionally hot from the intense radiant solar heating – the open spaces, not so much.

  2. tckev says:

    Stuart Gaffin talks about the urban heat island effect and Columbia University’s green roof research station. on his youtube video uploaded 3 years ago…
    http://www.youtube. com/watch?v=yB8xcSwrvhY
    Yes, basically an advert for green roofs but still shows the facts.
    There are many similar videos on youtube.

  3. In UK London Gatwick airport has had a rural weather station (Charlwood) about 1km away from it for the last few years. Here is a comparison of the “minimum” temperatures (the maximum temperatures are almost the same).
    Year Tmin Tmin (Celsius)
    GAT CHA Diff
    2004 6.4 1.8 4.6
    2005 – – –
    2006 7.4 3 4.4
    2007 6.8 3.1 3.7
    2008 6.6 1.9 4.7
    2009 6.6 2.4 4.2
    2010 5.1 4.6 0.5
    2011 7.1 6.2 0.9

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