Vote Democrat And Stop Evil Capitalism

The only TV I normally watch is the Fox Soccer Channel, which doesn’t have political ads. Last night I was watching Mythbusters blow some stuff up on the Discovery Channel, when an anti-Romney ad came on. The substance of their complaint was that Romney was a successful businessman and that “big oil” likes him.

I don’t know how they determined that big oil likes Romney, but I am sure that all Democrats would be much happier if they couldn’t buy gas for their car or food for their refrigerator. Having a job really sucks as does having electricity and heat in your house.

The brainwashing and demoralization of America was no small feat. The excellent video below describes how and why it happened.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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19 Responses to Vote Democrat And Stop Evil Capitalism

  1. miked1947 says:

    That leaves the truly dangerous ones that were able to walk through all the brainwashing and still see it for what it was, and still is.

  2. Lou says:

    I remember watching that a couple years ago. I thought it was stupid but now…

    Also 4 years ago, a russian guy predicted a break up of USA –

    When they caught Obama talking with that president of Russia talking about being flexible of whatever that is, that got me wondering about things…

    • jimash1 says:

      A clueless tool with a commercialized “Obey” cap, very accurately portraying the end result of the program of demoralization described by the Russian defector above.
      And ignorant too. {shudder}

  3. Andy DC says:

    With cheap foreign labor and automation taking over the means of production and many tasks, can the private sector alone provide anything close to full employment? I think it is an open question. If it can’t, the Government has to step in, unless you want masses of homeless, starving, desperate people.

    • Traitor in Chief says:

      With proper government – welcoming business and creating an environment they could not resist, we would have a raging hot economy. Unemployment is almost non existent in North Dakota.

    • DirkH says:

      I had the same question. A friend said “But we don’t yet have everything.” And that’s the answer. For every person unemployed there’s an as yet not existing product or service that we could well use. Don’t confuse this with frivolous consumption – I’m talking about necessary things, like cures for cancers, Malaria, Aids; better logistics to bring food where it’s needed, produce enough of it; drinking water; LOTS of energy; think for a moment that one would want to solve all the obvious problems – wouldn’t that also be very good business? What are the obstacles? A lot of the times, just a lack of the rule of law, corruption or overregulation.

      IF automation would necessarily HAVE to lead to higher and higher levels of unemployment, we’d already all be unemployed, as nearly all the manual labor people used to do, say in the 60ies, is already done by machines.

      And I was mentioning Malaria and some other problems that plague mostly Africa: now, Africa is not called “the next billion” for no reason. Development there accelerates.

      • Lou says:

        Why cure when you can prevent cancer, malaria, etc? Oh wait, they are into expensive cure that would bankrupt everybody.

        Psst. Vitamin D at the proper dosage will pretty much prevent cancers of any kinds. It’s a lot higher than 600 IU that is currently recommended in USA. Stupid gov’t for ignoring all the latest research over vitamin D. I have old Clinical Nutrition book and it does say vitamin D has anti-cancer properties and big pharma knew about it… they just can’t seem to come up with knock offs without adverse side effect to patent. Lots of $$$ there. Vitamin D3 OTC supplement is DIRT CHEAP. Only 20 bucks for the entire year per person for 5000 IU pills.

        Let’s not forget DDT ban to prevent malaria based on flimsy science…

  4. slimething says:

    Andy DC,
    Automation has brought MORE prosperity, not less. Working in the manufacturing sector (both aerospace and automotive) for 30 years has taught me this. The cost of car would be unaffordable if the cost of production were based on how buggies were made pre-Henry Ford’s innovation of the assembly line.

    The Government has been stepping in for decades and only creates more misery and poverty. As someone once said, the vice of Capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings. The vice of Socialism is the equal sharing of misery.

    Socialism creates dependency on Government, so that after enough generations people cannot function without it. Witness Europe today. Obama said the U.S. needs to be more like Europe.

    • Andy DC says:

      The only way to find out the answer is to have genuine free market conservatives take over both Congress and the Presidency and see where we stand after a few years. No more bailouts. No one too big to fail. I would be willing to try that, as nothing else seems to be working that well. It will either kill us or cure us.

    • DirkH says:

      Ironically Henry Ford was a progressive and supported both Stalin and Hitler because he wanted a “third way” between communism and capitalism.

  5. jimash1 says:

    Crikey .
    Dude sure knew his buzzwords. I am assuming mid-70’s.
    Damn .

  6. Traitor in Chief says:

    If you want to see change in this country, you have to be willing to do something to improve it. Simply voting isn’t enough.

    and check out this story on energy

  7. Eric Simpson says:

    The Anti-American
    [Hotair comment:] Is it traitorous for O to eat dog? No, though that goes against the grain of America. Yet the real problem is not that he ate dog when he was a little tike in a muslim country, but that he didn’t show the common decency to not mention that. Indeed, in O’s book, his selling point was that he was something exotic, and eating dog went right along with that. So Ayers included the dog-eating in O’s book. And this also was the selling point in the ’08 election: his own words “don’t you think that a person named Barack Hussein Obama would be the best antidote for George W Bush?”
    His selling point was that he was the opposite of Bush. And implicit in this was that he was the anti-American. But that’s what O is, anti-American. He is an exotic antidote to all that is great about this country, to 200+ years of tradition.
    Let people know that it was O’s exotic nature that appealed to them. But that that exotic quality has run its course of novelty appeal, and that the antidote, the cure, is worse than any disease they ever imagined.

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