Hansen : 100 Millimetres Sea Level Rise Per Year

This planetary energy imbalance is itself now sufficient to melt ice corresponding to one meter of sea level rise per decade

Scientific reticence and sea level rise – IOPscience

He must be thinking about the 400,000 nuclear bombs of added heat going into the ocean every day. Each time one explodes, it whispers “nutcase” in Hansen’s ear.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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2 Responses to Hansen : 100 Millimetres Sea Level Rise Per Year

  1. OK Hansen seems to have moved from “the planet will be doomed” to the “planet is doomed” phase. I expect the next phase (let’s call this the Harold Camping Move) is to declare that the world did in fact end, but in a different spiritual realm or something.

    Also, at some point in the fairly near future, I think even his followers are going to start getting really embarrassed by him…

  2. Robertvdl says:

    I think Einstein would have left the country by now. There is something ‘fundamentally’ wrong !

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