Yet Another View Of Hansen’s Y2K Cheat

I am always looking for new ways to visualize how Hansen destroyed the integrity of the US temperature record in the year 2000. The blink comparator below shows the uncorrupted  1999 version of the graph to the left of 1998, and alternates between the corrupted post-1998 temperatures and where they actually should be.

But it is worse than it seems, because he also cooled the past.

In a nutshell, Hansen’s data tampering turned a 70 year cooling trend into a strong warming trend.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Yet Another View Of Hansen’s Y2K Cheat

  1. omanuel says:

    Unfortunately, almost every field of science has been seriously compromised since Aug 1945 when world leaders decided to save the world from the threat of destruction by Hiroshima-like “nuclear fires” by

    a.) Uniting Nations to end nationalism, and
    b.) Hiding information on energy stored in cores of heavy atoms, stars and galaxies.

    The abrupt U-turn in science is documented here:

    World leaders have formulated policies based on misinformation for the past sixty-seven years (67 yrs = 2012 – 1945), and the current crop of “researchers” are as clueless as Hansen about basic principles of science.

    Those with a track record of deceit and manipulation of data and information since 1945 include leaders of the United Nations, the US National Academy of Sciences, the UK’s Royal Society, the Nobel Prize Committee, publishers of Nature, Science, PNAS, PRS, etc., and leaders of scientific organizations and mainstream news media.

    With kind regards,
    Oliver K. Manuel
    Former NASA Principal
    Investigator for Apollo

  2. suyts says:

    You just keep at it! I know I appreciate it!

  3. Me says:

    Yep, 😉

  4. DirkH says:

    If the warming of the year 2000 continues with this pace, it will have been warmed by 5 deg C in the GISS version of 2100. This will prove that mankind died from global warming somewhere around 1980, as Ehrlich predicted. So Ehrlich has not been right yet, but will have been right in 2100.

  5. Andy DC says:

    Your chart shows no warming since 1930. But how much money has been spent on this 82 year non-event?

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