Sagan’s Big Lie : The Opposite Of Thin Is CO2

Ludington Daily News – Google News Archive Search

Both Mars and Venus have atmospheres comprised of 95% CO2.   The honest statement would have been :

A thin atmosphere keeps Mars in the deep freeze, while a thick atmosphere keeps Venus roasting. Both planets have atmospheres dominated by CO2.

Sagan smoked massive amounts of those funny home made Jamaican cigarettes, but that is no excuse for defrauding the public.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Sagan’s Big Lie : The Opposite Of Thin Is CO2

  1. Paddikj says:

    Any chance the newspaper mis-quoted Sagan?

  2. You’d think Sagan would understand that Venus is also 26 million miles closer to the Sun than the Earth.

    Anyhow, I wonder if Sagan could tells us how much CO2 is in Mercury’s atmosphere…wait, there is barely any CO2, and barely any atmosphere? Yet, the temperature can get into the 400 F range (or even hotter, depending on one’s source)? How is that possible without fossil fueled vehicles?

    • Most of the sunlight reaching Venus TOA reflects off its thicker layer of clouds. The distance from the Sun doesn’t have much direct effect on current surface temperatures there.

  3. Andyj says:

    Venus is half the distance of Mars from the Sun 68M to 141M miles
    Venus has 16,100x more pressure.
    Venus is 467C against -55C (218K, 740K) i.e. only 3.5X warmer for a Sun of 4x the area

    Venus should be a lot hotter if high atmospheres of CO2 really do greenhouse planets up like the lunatics say..

  4. Robert Austin says:

    With Venus’s Bond albedo of 0.90, even though it is closer to the sun but slightly smaller in radius (0.85 earth’s), it only absorbs about 40% of solar radiation that the earth does. The surface temperature is due to the mass of the atmosphere (93 bar at surface). While a pinch of GHG’s may shape the lapse rate structure by permitting radiative cooling from the upper troposphere, the Venusian atmosphere would have substantially the same surface temperature with 1% CO2 plus non radiative gases as it does with its actual 96% CO2.

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