US Government vs. The People Of The US

Spotted owl could be game-changer in Tombstone water war

At the center of the debate is the Mexican spotted owl. “What is more important, owls or the people of Tombstone?” James Upchurch, a Forest Service supervisor who oversees the wilderness, was asked in court earlier this year.

Upchurch responded that there was no easy answer, which left jaws dropping on Tombstone’s side of the courtroom.

Spotted owl could be game-changer in Tombstone water war –

It is OK to grind up raptors by the dozen if you operate a wind farm, but you can`t fix a critical water pipeline if there are any owls in the forest.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to US Government vs. The People Of The US

  1. Eric Simpson says:

    Some comments from the CNN article:
    It’s amusing to observe all the hand-wringing over the environmental impact of Tombstone, AZ. You wanna make a real difference to the environment, shut-off the water supply of San Francisco… and pass a law requiring them to dispose of all of their trash and sewage within city limits. It’s easy asking other people to make a sacrifice, let’s sacrifice you instead. -Jeff
    NYC is almost carbon neutral, didn’t you know!? [/s] Ha-ha. The real environmental threat to the US is this tiny town in AZ wanting to startup a couple bulldozers for a few hours to move some rocks out in a mountain range in the middle of nowhere…we just cant let that happen. -bizi411
    So an inferno, massive floods, mudslides and boulders didn’t hurt the owl, but people with shovels will cause what, the owls to explode spontaneously? Dolts. -1twothree4
    What people should really be asking is; how is it they can spot a tiny Mexican Owl that is near extinction yet the can’t spot millions of illegal Mexicans crossing the border every year? -loverpoint
    When animals become more important than people, we’ve totally lost our sense of direction. Oops, too late. -inmyowntime
    The fact is that most of these animals are not endangered and do just fine. Environmentalists simply love power, and control, typical government employees running rough shod over the taxpayers that pay their exorbitant wages. Absurdity found only in America. -hippybippy
    Of course the illegals that started the fire last year burnt down over 500,000 acres of owl habitat but hey don’t mess with the less than 2 acres so a town can get to their water. You can’t make this stuff up folks. -tcbaz56
    Ship the whole Democratic party to Tombstone. Let’s see how long they like living without water. -Gary Neumann
    Can you blame the spotted owl for leaving Mexico. Nevertheless, I say deport him, and build the pipeline! -nymphas
    One thing a scientific study of species shows is that the natural order is for them to come and to go. The extinction of species is not only normal, but inevitable. While we should not carelessly destroy species, spending vast resources to protect the ones on their way out demonstrates a lack of understanding of the actual environment and how it works. -WilliamShipley
    Support Tombstone!

  2. Robertvdl says:

    Why is there no court case against the wind farm killing fields ?

    Tombstone RIP

    • Robertvdl says:

      Pest control officials have begun gassing up to 18,000 geese close to Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport in an effort to increase air safety.

      • Eric Simpson says:

        Gassing Geese
        I see what you’re saying vdl. With the ultra-libs and econuts that populate Amsterdam, well, if it matters to them personally, they’ll do whatever. If those geese get in the way of being able to jet off to all the climate change conferences at every corner of the globe, their gooses would be cooked.
        Now with Tombstone, RIP, the libs don’t give a flying F. That’s why I like the comment I repeated above by Jeff: “You wanna make a real difference to the environment, shut-off the water supply of San Francisco… and pass a law requiring them to dispose of all of their trash and sewage within city limits. It’s easy asking other people to make a sacrifice, let’s sacrifice you instead.”

  3. johnmcguire says:

    It is time for the people of Tombstone to show some courage and simply everyone in the town show up out at the site of the problem and start digging. Some old time courage and determination would change things there for them. Do they care enough or will they be appathetic and allow themselves to be trampled by evil.

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