The Towering Inferno

We have a huge forest fire burning just west of Fort Collins. It started yesterday afternoon and has already burned over 15,000 acres. The sun is completed blotted out.



About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to The Towering Inferno

  1. Billy Liar says:

    What will all those aerosols do, Jim?

  2. Scott says:

    If my pics/movies don’t work out, I’ll redirect my out-of-state family to here. The scene is exceptionally impressive in person.


  3. Marian says:

    “Billy Liar says:
    June 11, 2012 at 1:18 am
    What will all those aerosols do, Jim?”

    Just remember with CO2 AGW/CC Alarmist science. Those aerosols don’t count. Only Human emissions do. Now if it was an oilrig on fire oh, the global warming. 🙂

  4. Andyj says:

    Hansen did state that the world wide clean air acts were responsible for reinstating global warming from 1979.

    But all I know is if its black, it absorbs Sunlight and gets warmer. A warmer atmosphere means a cooler Earth. The same mind set would presume more C02 absorption makes the Earth and oceans colder too.

    Just saying, just playing.

  5. Marian says:

    “Andyj says:
    June 11, 2012 at 10:50 am
    Hansen did state that the world wide clean air acts were responsible for reinstating global warming from 1979.”

    Yeah and what’s more ironic.

    I’ve heard some of those enviro-type scientists, and Greenies going on about the clean air act made Global Warming worse. Yet they were some of the very individuals campaigning for the clean air act in the 1970s. And now some of them apparenty want those dirty aerosols back to help save us from global warming. Well what do they want?

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