1913 – The Hottest Summer Of All

The summer of 1913 saw heat in the US unlike any other summer. Hansen and his team of climate deniers have claimed that July 2011 was the hottest month in Oklahoma history, but it wasn’t even close in Oklahoma City.

Meeker Oklahoma USHCN Temperatures
Month    Year   Average Max   Mean   Average Min
August   1913         106.4   89.5          72.2
August   1936         105.8   90.1          73.7
July     2011         101.9   89.0          75.6

Meeker is the closest USHCN station to Oklahoma City. Daytime temperatures were much higher in both 1913 and 1936, and mean temperatures were higher in both 1913 and 1936.

August 1913 had five consecutive days over 110 and a total of 22 days over 110. August 1936 had six consecutive days over 110.  By comparison, July, 2011 had zero days over 110 degrees.  1913 and 1936 were both much hotter than 2011.

1913 was also the year that California set the hottest temperature ever measured this side of the Atlantic – 134F. High temperatures averaged 129F during the second week in July, 1913.


According to Hansen, every year since 2000 has been hotter in the US than 1913, and he claims that 2011 style heatwaves were impossible below 350 PPM. Clearly he has no clue  what he is talking about.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to 1913 – The Hottest Summer Of All

  1. Andy OZ says:

    Did Hansen mix up Greenland Ranch with Greenland the ice covered island?
    That might explain his delusions.

    Einstein said – “The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits”.

    Keep up the great work, Steve.

  2. Ivan says:


    ST. PETERSBURG, July 14.
    There is now being experienced here the greatest continuous heat known for half a century.
    Monster forest fires are raging in every direction, and the effect of the drought on the crops is causing general anxiety.”
    ~16 July 1914

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